School whore

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Andys p.o.v
His hands roam my torso on this Friday night , the blasting music shanking the world around me , the taste of alcohol remains in my mouth while his smooth lips rub against my own , people screaming and shouting. Just another guy to make me feel loved , another guys heart I broke , another guy I used . People at school think I am heartless and it's true I have no heart left , after you learn that love dose nothing but rip you apart ; what's the point of keeping the thing that can destroy you out in the open?

I walk into the school instantly the loud talk of people quiet down into hushed words , whispers about me and how I broke another guys heart . I stroll to my locker getting my books out and heading to first period; World history, I actually love this class love learning about why/how the world is today because of some historical events and I sit next to this super hot guy , Ryan? I think his name is .

I sit down in my seat , I am early, I plugged my headphones into my phone and started to listen to panic at the disco the upbeat music setting me in a good mood .

People started to fill in the class and Ryan sat down next to me I took my headphones out and put them away , turning my head towards ryan
"morning ryan" I say while giving him a charming smile "morning Andy" he sounded a bit off today his voice sounding droopy?
" what crawled up you arse and died ?" I ask , he turns towards me chuckling slightly (which was hot af)
"nothing last time I checked " I could tell that he thought he was being smart by his response and the smile that now plastered his lips definitely gave it away "well... I could check for you " I winked at him , he looked down blushing
The teacher walked in ruining the moment
" so class I am setting you a project on your family history, you will be doing it in pairs , the reason for this is because I think it will be interesting to share some family history with your peers " she looked around the classroom before clapping her hands together shouting
"get to it" happiness lacing her voice.
Me and Ryan agreed to be pairs "sooooo...... where do you want to meet up to do this?" I asked not wanting to make him meet up somewhere he dose not "errrrrr.. my house is okay if you want to " he said scratching the back of his neck , I assume out of nerves
"That's alright with me where do you live and what days "  "*insert address of your choice* mondays and Wednesdays " I nod my head ; Bell rang out through the school
" see ya after school" I say to him while I grab my bag and head off to the next dreadful lesson of this torture called education .

^End of day (cause I am a lazy shit 😂)^

I wait for ryan after school by the student entrance , students talking the usually gossip about the latest fight or the bets on how long the new relationship between the typical jock and cheerleader would last ; I close my eyes listening to stomps of the kids who couldn't wait to get away from the unnecessary amount of socialisation , I felt a hand grip my shoulder I turned around to be meet with brown eyes ; when you look deeply in to them you could just see that slight specks of gold that were splattered around making his eyes unique
" hey " he panted he was out of breath , sweat dripping down his forehead
" why are you so out of breath ?" I asked while starting to walk away him catching up to me meeting my walking pace
" no reason " he answered though I could sense he was holding back information but I decide not to mention it.

^ In Rye Bedroom (cause why not ?😂)^
When we entered his bedroom I was taken back at the amount of personality that was spreaded out across the room his walls were painted a deep navy blue reminding me of the night sky , he had a double bed pressed up against the far right wall were the was a huge window looking out to the backyard , he had a big cork board that had photos and fairy lights pinned against it , his bathroom next to the door and a walk in wardrobe to the right . We sat on his bed in silence as I took in then unfamiliar environment
" errrrr ... I know this is none of my business b-but ..errr.. why-y do you ..errr... breakeveryone'sheart?" He rushed the last part so I couldn't really decipher what he tried saying
"I am sorry but repeat again but slower this time " I smirked at how nervous he is and how adorable he looks , I mean look at those lips who wouldn't want to kiss them , he took a deep breath before repeating what he had said prior
" why do you break everyone heart ? I know it's none of my business , but I just don't get why you give something so personal like you body to everyone to use it as an advantage " he said a new found atmosphere had set in as the mood changed to being serious
" well I don't really give my body to them , it's difficult to explain " I sighed I turned my head to look at him his reassuring eyes making me for the first time in years open up , I mean what have I got to lose I bearly know this gorgeous angle and I am pretty sure if he told anyone at school no one should believe him anyway
" sex to me isn't a special thing like it is to most people, to me it's like a " I paused for a second trying to think how to describe this mess of a brain I have
" a drug if you want , something I need not because I'm horny, not because I'm desperate , because I need someone to remind me that I am loved , sounds stupid I know but love is something that can destroy and it will no matter how hard you try and avoid it , it always happens so why waste my time giving all my love to one person who's gonna get bored of me when I could give to everyone else " silence once again fell upon us him clearly trying to figure out what I feel and how to understand stand it .
" wow" he said .
" who knew the school whore could feel so much" I smiled at him , we started into each other's eyes occasionally looking at the others lips I lean over our lips millimetres apart
"do you want it be become another victim of the heart break club?" I asked
" if it means having my heart broke by you then hell yeah" I smashed my lips into his my hands going to his slim waist his hands in my hair pulling ever so lightly. He pushed me down , straddling my hips he swiped his tongue over my my bottom lip asking for entrance to explore my mouth , I turned us over so his legs hung loosely around my waist keeping me in position, I pull away and whisper in his ear

" I would be honoured to break you heart "

Sorry guys for not posting much , I would come up with an excuse but I am gonna be honest and say the truth I was to lazy to update , THER YOU GO ITS OUT THERE I AM A LAZY SHIT 😂😂
I promise to try and update
Honestly had no idea where I was going with the ending but it like 1 am and I am tired so yh😂😂

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