serendipity (2)

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3 weeks later /ryes pov/

Alone. that's all I felt , he's gone .

telling my feelings to Andy wasn't like the fairy tales I thought it was going to be , it was awful.

when I walked away with tears dripping down my face I was hoping that he would grab my hand tell me how he loved me back that I just shocked him , kiss me like there was no tomorrow . but never did.

I went home every part of my body trembling , tear falling freely the reality of the situation staying with me , the feeling like i have just ruined my life , like my whole world was crumbling in front of me but no one else could see and that's how I have been since .

after that day Andy disappeared from my life no longer inviting me to his family Sunday dinners .There was no more midnight night trips to Starbucks or early morning drives , no more sitting on our beds just laying there or sake of knowing the other person is there.

I had lost myself . I fell behind with my course work the only place I would travel to was the bathroom , i didn't shower , I didn't eat and barely got a wink of sleep .

there was still parts of Andy scattered through my downgraded apartment , for an example his hoodie that he left here . I would wear the tattered hoodie the faint smell of Andy's cologne still embedded in the pink fabric ,the sent giving comfort and hope that Andy could forgive me .

I look in the mirror not really caring about the huge circle that hung under my eyes or the greasy mop of curls that sat on my head .

I sigh as I start to make my way to were it all began .The coffeeshop .

the walk was peaceful and refreshing having not left the apartment since the incident , I have missed this. Listening to the loud sounds of the busy London streets , the coffeeshop soon came in to view and the memories soon came flooding in .


"cause darling you look perfect tonight" this was something me and Andy always done , having an earphone each listening to smooth voice sing gently in our Ear while sipping on our steaming cup of hot chocolate putting in the white sugary fluff balls in the hot liquid letting them melt before spooning them out and eating them.

"Ryan , do you rember when we meet?" Andy questioned staring at the table .

"how could I forget ?" I chuckled at the distant memory , rembering how awkward I was.

"we meet right in this both and look how far we have came. Andy ,you became so important to me you were like a .....errr.. serendipity" I smiled at him proud of my choice of words. he looked up smiling back at me his dimples popping out , It made me happy to know I can make him smile like that

"what's a serendipity?" he asked chucking confusion spelt out across his beautiful features

"it means finding something good without looking for it "

"Just like you babe"


I walk in to the familiar shop the smell of coffee hitting me in the face . I stood in the queue waiting to take my order .

"oh hello , I haven't seen you around for a long time " Karren the worker smiled at me " where's your other half?"

the question made my heart stop I just looked at the ground not feeling like explaining it to her

Her once big smile soon dropped to a frown "sorry , sensitive subject?" I just nodded my head

"Usual please" my voice was croaking due to all the crying and he lack of use of it

She got to work gliding through the steps , handing me the familiar white cup

My legs walk as if they have a mind of their own knowing exactly where i wanted to sit

The booth was empty , not many people being in the unpopular shop .

I sit there for a while watching the time fly past , as I was memorised in the cars zooming past and the people scurrying off .

When a voice spoke out in the silence , shock rang through my body not moving an inch

"Is this seat taken ?"

My head snaps towards the voice , I stare in bewilderment. The blue eyes making me feel like I was on cloud nine , the smooth skin still perfectly creamy

Although now instead of an active happy looking boy that I was so use to , he was now sad and I could tell.

His eyes not shining nearly as bright , the smile was small and faked , bags resting under his eyes , hair sticking up In every direction

"N-no" I stuttered out , my brain not processing the fact that he was sat in front of me . The boy I love . The boy I lost .

He sighs taking a seat staring at the marble table before looking up at me . The words that wanted to fly out stayed grounded in my mouth . Silence lingering in the air.

"You know when you told me you loved me you really shocked me" Andy says making eye contact with me never breaking it

"At first i was angry at you , you ruined the friendship we had , you took away the only person I ever really cared for" he sighs returning his gaze back to the table

" I loved you and I knew it but I was s-scared , I wasn't use to people I like liking me back especially when they were boys. when you ran off crying that day I felt horrible that I was to scared of judgemental opinions that shouldn't matter get in the way of your happiness" the words sinking in as he spoke them gently stuttering now and again

" when we didn't talk for 3 weeks and I felt so alone I realised that I no longer cared what people will think of me when the find out I was different to them because all I care about is you Ryan I love you and I always have" he grabs my hand across the table squeezing it as to remind me that this isn't a dream it my mind playing tricks on me , this was real he was real

"I-i love you too" he slid over so he was close , his warm breath hitting my face , lips so close that I just wanted to kiss him .

I never believed that someone could be perfect , in fact I didn't even believe in the word until he came along everything about him was perfect not like most people in this toxic world

He stared in my eyes before leaning in pressing his addictive plumped lips against my thin one the kiss sending me deeper into my head , are lips moving in a slow dance tongues tangled in a fight .

His hands gripping at the collar of my shit and mine clamped at the sides of his face not ever letting him go

He pulled away pressing his soft forehead against mine own

"Will you do the honour of being my boyfriend?" He asked quietly I. My ear

"Of course"


Sorry this is bad but oh well 

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