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Warning ⚠️: references suicide (kinda)

Sitting on the ledge of a building ,100 feet in the air . The cool summer breeze gliding through he brunettes curls .

He sighs , the thoughs rushing through his head.

Although most people would be crying on their death bed all rye could do was smile .

He smiled , because he remembered all those times with the boys , when they first meet to when they last toured . How mikeys laugh could make anyone smile , how Brooklyn's jokes could make anyone giggle , how jacks smile could brighten anyone days . The realisation hit ryan months prior , they didn't need him and he always knew it he was just to scared to admit it to himself, no matter how much he wanted to deny it the videos of the boys laughing until they couldn't breath when he wasn't around only proved his insecurity  .

Rye remembers when he first got to hold the younger twins , how they screamed and cried until rye rock them in his arms humming a sweet melody to them . He knows that if he never existed how Robbie would have been the one to find out that humming calmed the twins and how Robbie would have protected them instead of him ,  and how Robbie would have taught the twins how to play football how they'd be off without Ryan as their brother how , nothing would have changed.

Rye was only one person that didn't matter if he simply ceased to exist everything would have been the same , rye meant nothing to a world full of beautiful people.

His deep brown eyes glued to the oranges that swirled around the sky , watching as the sun began to sink into the darkness . Rye watched as the once lit sky started to fill with dark blues stars littering through the clouds the moon peaking through

Yet still ryan still sat on the edge of the building with a smile on his face  tears starting to well in his eyes only to be freed onto his roesy cheeks, soon he would be free and would be dancing with angles singing at the top of his lungs running in the green grass as he would watch his worries float away .

Andy. Oh how rye loved andy . He loved him more than he loved anything. Andy completed rye in away rye never knew was possible. Andy gave ryes life a meaning. Andy was the light at the end of the tunnel . Nothing could compare to the looks of the beauty called andy .

In the mornings andy always made sure to remind ryan how much he loved him , at 1 am when rye was peacefully dreaming andy would always whisper how much he loved him , when they were vlogging some stupid skit that would make the roadies happy andy would stop anything and tell rye that he loved him . Andy took any opportunity he could to tell rye what he meant to him .

But it was never enough for ryes insecurities.

The brunette boy breaths in the air as he thinks .This is it .

"RYAN!!" The blonde boy screamed the sight of his boyfriend perched on the edge of the building.

Andy slowly approached the younger boy with caution, hands out in front of him getting ready to grab rye just in case.

Ryan didn't turn to face the voice he knew who it was but his gaze remained on the sky

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ryan spoke dazed , Andy only listened.

" in a world so big you decided I was worth saving . Why?. I'm just Ryan Beaumont a nobody , a nothing . Yet you came into my life and gave me something I never knew I could have"

Andy sat next to ryan his legs dangling next to his . Andy refused to interrupt Ryan and let him speak the words he had bottled up for months .

"You gave me love . I always knew I was not worthy for your love though I accepted . I wanted it so badly and for years i never I had it but you didn't hesitate to give me all the love you could . You want to know something?" Ryan tore his gaze from the sky for the first time that night he look into the eyes of his lover .


" that was your biggest mistake"

Andy didn't expect those word to fall from his partners lips . He look in Ryan's eyes for a tone of playfulness but he found nothing but sadness and honestly.

"You gave your love to a person that never earned it . I realised this a few months ago , when I remembered why I was never loved in the first place" ryes gaze returned to were it's been for a long periods of the night .

"Ryan. Don't say that" andy reached for ryes hand and Ryan let him grab it , it felt right it always had .

" you deserve my love more than anyone on this planet . I'm so glad I gave my heart and soul to you because you never felt love before , I got to be the one to make you smile , I got to be the one to hold you , I got to be the one to kiss you , I got to be the one to make you feel alive . I wouldn't change it for the world" andy smiled at the younger boy gripping on to his hand firmly , tears steamed down the lovers faces .

"I-i love you-u andy" rye stuttered quietly

Andy pulled ryan in to his chest breathing in the scent of ryes shampoo , he closed his eyes as he rubbed his hands soothly on the sobbing boys sides ,

" it's okay rye , your gonna be fine we'll get through this together, I promise"

The sky had now fully turned a royal blue , the lights from the streets and the buildings illuminating the dimly lit world .

The cold of the night was setting in the two boys cuddling for warmth

" how about me and you go home get warm , have a cup of tea ,cuddle and watch a movie?" Andy questioned

" sounds great" rye whispered into the hoodie that andy was wearing

They both knew the path of recovery for Ryan would take a lot of reassurance and a lot of midnights talks and a lot of moments like this were rye was on the verge of giving up . But Andy would do anything for , because just like how Andy showed rye how to love again , Ryan has taught Andy what it was like to hope again.


Sorry I have been inactive and this is sad but I promise next time I update it will be a happy one

This is also rushed and a piece of garbage so sorry 😬

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