I am a boy !!

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Sooo before you read this I just want to say that I wrote this as a rant as I'm transgender and this is basically describing my life accept from it being me it's ryan
If you guys don't like it I will take it down as I know some people don't like the thought of making the boys trans
As I said this was just me ranting

Ryes pov

I feel the hot water gently flow down my body the heat relaxing my muscles

I look down seeing parts that weren't meant to be there . Anger boils up inside of me . I never asked to fight for my gender . Why can't I just be a boy?

"Roise! Hurry up your gonna be late if you don't get out that shower" I sigh .Rosie. The name runs around my head . That isn't who I am anymore

It was just a name yet it cause so much pain. A Constant reminder that I was a girl and I couldn't change that , a constant reminder that I will never be real

I step out of the shower I stare at the reflection in the mirror . The body that Everyone else saw didn't match the one I felt like I was in

I grab my binders of the side . Double binding. It not healthy but it's the only way my chest will be flat enough for my dysphoria

The pressure applied to each sides of my ribs makes it hard to breath .deep breaths.i could feel  the slight sting of pain on the right side of my chest ,  it's been there for weeks now I don't know what it is or If I should be concerned but all I know is that it hurts like hell

I reach over grabbing my navy blue hoodie that read 'United States of America" its the only hoodie that I own that makes me feel masculine, I slip on the trousers that were way to big for me , they were my brothers he let me have them , I put my belt on to make sure they didn't fall down

I got my haircut a few months back the school didn't take it well rumours were spread about me everyone forgetting how much it hurt to be talked about

I sigh ,closing my eyes .

Wow, life fucking sucks!

I slip my black vans on before running out of my room grabbing my school bag of my bed  ,making my way to the kitchen.

" finally! What took you so long ?" My mum huffed handing me my plate of food

" sorry" I mumble out taking my seat at the breakfast bar tucking in to my food

" honestly ,  Rosie acting like a girl once in a while won't hurt you"I roll my eyes , you see this is were it get complicated my mum accepts me for who I am buys me men's stuff and such but never in her life will she call me ryan or he/him or her son she always tries to make me girly and even buys me dresses that I instantly throw away

I even managed to convince her to change my name at school but it didn't change on registration which sucks but the teachers try their hardest

Oh and the best part is I still haven't told her I'm trans , I know she'll accept me but any time I go to tell her a lump forms in my throat and tear swell in my eyes so I back down

" never In a million years will you catch me in a dress mum" I say while putting my plate away , walking towards the door

"Bye mum!" I shout out not waiting for her reply

I walk down the route I always take to certain hell called school

I walk into form sitting in the seat In the corner at the back , getting my book out to start reading knowing that's what the teacher is going tell us to do

I hear the bell go and the teacher starts to call the name of the the register


"Here" I say quietly I see the guys on the front row turn towards me snickering

First period Came around science my worst subject not because I'm bad at it because I have no friends in that class ,  so all the popular kids would call that science the period of ' harass Ryan about being trans of if he is a boy or a girl' 

I sit down on hexagon shaped table sitting on the unusually high chairs accept this time was different there was a new guy sitting next to me , I think I have seen him around before he must have moved classes

Please don't be an asshole that's gonna annoy the hell out of me

" hi..Ryan?" He asked with uncertainty, he's kinda cute
"That's me and hi" I say back smiling he smiles a dimple filled smirk back , he's so adorable what the hell! I not sure if I should be jelous or attracted

" I'm andy" he extends he arm out signifying for me to shake his hand , I grab on and shake . His hand was so warm , i didn't want to let go but eventually I did

The class went on as usual , its about 20 minutes till the end of class and I thought that I wasn't going to hear anything from anyone toady but boy was I wrong

"Hey Rosie , why did you change you name to ryan? That's a little werid don't you think"I hear one of them call out to me , I don't answer I never did i just kept silent and let it happen. keeping my gaze on my book.

"rose are you a girl or a boy?" Dont answer " are you gonna answer me?" Just keep staring at the book

" just leave him alone , will ya! It none of your Business if he wants to be a boy , Let him be !. He can do what he wants he doesn't need to justify himself to you" I look to see who had jump in only to find out it was andy

The kids just turn around with scolds on their faces
"Thank you" I said shyly to him not use to people sticking up for me they usually just pretend it's not happening

" no problem mate they are assholes" he chuckled Making me laugh with him

The bell went telling us that lesson was over , when I walked out Andy grabbed my wrist dragging me down the halls which were now being filled with students who were trying to get to next period

We reached the school doors
"Andy what are you doing?" Panicking in case someone saw us "we are skipping and I'm gonna take you somewhere special" he replied continuing to drag me until we reach a car pushing me in to it

We have been driving for a good 10 minutes at This points and I was curious of where he was taking me

" you know I have only known you for like 2 hours so I would like if you told me where we are going so I know you not trying to kidnap me" I look around seeing only trees for miles

" it's a surprise and I promise I'm not trying to kidnap you"andy chuckled once again

About another five minutes later we finally arrived to a top of the hill , smile plastered on his face grabbing my hand once I was out the car taking me up to the roof where we sat

"Wow" I say looking at the beautiful view of the city " i know right" I hear him say next to me . We sit in silence both of us lost In thoughts of our own watching the sun move around the sky with the outlines of each building in the distance

Andy turned towards me "so your trans right?" He asked I nodded my head " if you don't mind me asking what's your sexuality ?" I could tell he was nervous making him ten times cuter "im bi you?" " bi"

I smiled I might have a chance with him , I see he smirking to himself

I grab the sides of his face pushing my small lips into his plumb ones the innocent peck turning into a hot make out that end with him sat in my lap panting .


Sorry l Know this wasn't  really randy related but like I said it was me just getting things of my chest

And it's really bad and rushed so sorry

If this makes you uncomfortable and you think I should delete it just tell me and I will

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