~One~ (I have no idea what to call this??)

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This was it. The day Marinette Dupain-Cheng finally does it. The day she finally tells Adrien about her feelings for him. This day will be engraved in her mind for the rest of her life, for better or for worse. This time, she was ready. Face to face. In mere moments.

"I can't do this Alya!" The young girl groaned into her hands.

"Girl, you can't back out on me again, we've been planning this for weeks now!" The brunet replied, grabbing hold of her friend's shoulders. "There's absolutely nothing to worry about, you'll just go up to him, talk a little, and then class'll start and you'll have date to the icecream shop or somewhere with they guy of your dreams!"

"You don't know that Alya! What if you're wrong? What if I get turned down, what if he doesn't like me like that? Then whatever relationship we do have will be ruined forever! Alya I can't do this, I won't!" The bluenette stubbornly responded, sliding into her seat, watching as the blond boy walked through the classroom door, and toward his seat.

"Listen girl, I'm not wrong! And even if I were, what's the worse that could happen? Let's imagine this. You go up to him, a little stuttery, and he kindly refuses your offer, you then blush like a fool and rush off, and you and I will just have to get ice cream on our own! Either way, you end up with ice cream, and this all ends with a happily ever after!" The girl replied.

                "Alya, no, I can't risk ruining what we have. Listen, I'm happy how we are now, yeah, I wish we could be more, but at the end of the day I'm more than satisfied just being next to him as we wait for our rides... I wouldn't forgive myself if I ruined the friendship we have now... I just, can't."

                "Can't, or won't?" The brunet replied. "I know what's going on in your head right now, girl, but try to think rationally. Do you honestly think you'd be ruining your friendship by asking him out? Do you honestly believe either one of you would let that happen?"

                "Well..." Marinette replied, looking over at the boy again, chewing on her lip.

                "It's going to be okay. And if it's not, we'll work it out together until it is. But we won't ever know until we knock over the first domino."

                "O-Okay..." The bluenette replied in a shaky breath.

                "Awesome girl, go get 'em!" She smiled, giving her shoulder a light squeeze before letting go.

                "Please be on my side today." Marinette prayed, before standing up and walking over to the model, pink faced.

                "H-Hey Adrien?" She said, the boy turning to face her. "Oh, hey Marinette, what's up?" He replied. "Heh- Um- Well, I don't really know how to say this really, but I- I really wanted to tell you something... About uh, me, and uh, you? Or- I mean-" Marinette blabbed, before stopping herself, running her hand through her hair. "What I mean to say, is that, um... Adrien, I really like you, you've always been so kind to me, even when I wasn't kind to you, and you have a heart of pure gold, you have this instinct to protect people, and I find that really admirable... Um... And well, I-I was wondering, if you weren't busy or anything if we could hang out sometime soon? I mean, there's a new icecream shop opening just around the corner today and I um... Will you go with me?" The girl managed out, red faced by the end. She made eye contact with the boy again, and her heart sank a bit as she realized what his answer would be.

                "Marinette, listen, you're a very sweet girl, and one of my best friends, but... I- I kind of already have my eyes set on someone... I'd like to accept, but I couldn't do that to you knowing someone else already has a place in my heart... I'm really sorry..." Adrien said with a small smile of remorse.

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