Moving on- LadyNoir

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Life has been hard these days for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. (And man do I feel her.) I suppose one could call it an emotional roller coaster, but Marinette never felt that phrase was accurate. No, her week had been a downhill fall from heaven. One minute she felt wanted, loved, sleeping on the arm of Adrien-freaking-Agrest, and the other? She's watching him walk away to the love of his life. 

Ya'know, the one he actually reciprocates her feelings towards. So tonight, with a restless heart, Ladybug stands at the tippy top of the Eiffel tower, set aglow as it towers over Paris like the untouchable protector she herself once felt like she was. But right now, she sits, and she stares out over the buildings, her heart thumping heavily in her chest with a quivering lip. 

From her quiet little corner, the girl can see a sign up ahead, shinning, perhaps just a bit brighter than the Eiffel tower she sits upon. On it, is the face she can't help but love- and that fact alone brings an anger she's been avoiding to the forefront of her mind, and she groans, tightening her fist as it lays draped over her knees. 

"I hate you." Her lips utter, and her eyes water, because she knows its a lie. "Out of all of the boys in Paris, why did I have to fall in love with you?" She whimpers, her eyes refusing to leave the sign as it glows bright as ever in it's spot. 

"Why couldn't I have loved somebody else? Anybody else!" She shouts, her voice cracking. 

"If it had to be you... Why couldn't you have loved me?" She breathes, "Even just a little, I'd take your infatuation! I'd take a fraction of the love you feel for her!" She continues, tears sliding down her cheeks, knowing, in some part of her brain that she's shaking, but she can't bring herself to care. 

"I hate you!" She shouts, but again, she knows how big of a lie it is. All of this, she knows it isn't him she hates. She hates her own blasted emotions for clinging on to someone so admired by the world. 

Of course he wouldn't want me. She thought, What model falls for a baker's girl?

"Why did you have to be so admired?" She whimpered out into the night. "Why do you have to be so kind and warm and loving and loved, and, goddamn it, why did you have to make me fall in love with you?!" She exclaims, arms spread wide as she faces the billboard lit aglow. "It's not fair." She says, but the words are weak and her lips quiver against them. "It's not fair at all, when you'd fall in love with her in the end!" At this she stands and begins to pace the beam below her. 

"All the lovely words, all the kind gestures, the bracelet, the train, that stupid umbrella, why did you do it?! How could you do that to me?" She shouts, her voice cracking. She's suddenly thankful for the raging winds and the deserted streets below her. 

"If you were going to love her..." She continues, her words more breath than voice. "If you were falling in love with her!" Her voice rises and she stands tall above the beam, overlooking the face she'd grown to admire. 

The ad itself wasn't his best picture, she had to admit. Not when she'd seen his Instagram posts where he's smiling like he's happy, and has that look in his eye that could calm a beast. But it was art, and he was art, so even though she knew it wasn't his true self, she loved it because it was his face, the very essence of perfection in her book. 

Yes, Luka was very kind, and she might even go as far as saying she's grown a bit too comfortable with his presence, but although it stung her heart to admit it, she knew he would never match up to Adrien. He was perfect in his own way. Yes, he was kind, and smart, and romantic but Adrien was everything Marinette couldn't hope to ever be. He was everything she wasn't. Her yin to her yang, or vise versa. 

Ladybug huffed out a breath as she wiped away her tears. "If you were... f-falling in love with her... Why? Why were you so kind to me? Gave me the impression that I had a chance to be with you? If you loved her... Why, Adrien?" Her voice had lost it's edge, and with it, her body lost the strength to hold her up any longer, so she sat down again, feet dangling over the edge as she held her head in her hands. At this point, she was just tired. Too tired. She couldn't stomach the thought of heading home, or going to school tomorrow, or even standing up when she heard the tapping of hesitant footsteps behind her. Let it be an akuma. She thought, It'd be better than this. But she knew it wasn't an akuma. She'd heard his footsteps enough to know she didn't have to waste the energy to look up or check, because just like every time Chat Noir felt she was upset, he quietly sat down at her side, and said nothing, and he let her cry as she needed, a comforting hand on her upper back. 

Marinette was thankful for a lot of things. Even as her mind raced with Adrien, and Kagami, and ice cream- she gulped- she hadn't forgotten to count her blessings. After all, what could really go wrong when she had the real hero of Paris by her side, loving her in every way imaginable by her side? 

"Ladybug." Chat said, and Ladybug jumped in her seat because for a near split moment she could have sworn she heard Adrien's voice, and not her partner's. Her gaze met his, and she could breathe again when she saw the calm green pools gazing into hers. 

Perhaps under better circumstances, Marinette would have cared about the fact that he'd heard too much- despite how much that was-, or the fact that she'd cried in front of her partner, or the fact that her eyes still held all too much emotion for one platonic super hero team to ever see of the other, or that her hair had begun falling out of her pigtails by how much she'd pulled at them during her meltdown or a million other factors held in this situation, but she found that she couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't care. 

Ladybug had hit her limit. 

And her partner could see it. 

And although his eyes showed her all too many emotions going through his own mind, he kept his lips sealed, and simply opened his arms in an offer of embrace. 

He hardly had to ask though, and Ladybug was in his arms in practically no time at all, tears stinging her eyes again as she squeezed him. An apology was on the tip of her tongue, but she bit it, in fear of saying too much if she'd open her lips to say anything at all. It wouldn't matter anyway, she knew. Because he knew her. And he knew that because she didn't apologize, this was bigger than a stressful weekend, or a bad date, or a fight with a friend. And he hugged her tighter because of it. 

Because he understood a heavy heart. And he understood that all she needed was someone to cry on, and someone who knew what to do when she shut down. 

And she shut down in a mess of not-so-silent tears, and some not-so-platonic embraces. And she thanked, for who knows how many times, for her partner, who was always there for her when she was against herself. 

Hey guys sorry for the sadness, but lately I haven't been too good at writing happy scenes. It's been a sucky October. On that note, if anyone has any good jokes they'd like to share, I read every comment and every private message, and I'd really appreciate hearing from you guys. If not I totally understand, most of you probably won't even read the A/N, but if you do, thank you again for reading my stories, and I hope you enjoy them :) <3


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