Great Mother (Adrienette)

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           Adrien watched from afar as Marinette was chasing Manon at the park, pretending to be a dragon. He heard their faint laughter and smiled to himself as Marinette scooped the little girl up in her arms and began to spin her around shouting "Gotcha!"

It had been three days since he finally connected the dots. Marinette, a beautiful, strong willed girl with a million stories, was Ladybug, a strong, independent, charming super heroin with eyes that can see right through you. He's seen these attributes in one another many times before, but now that he knows they're one in the same, he can see so much more- adding it all up to a girl of so many talents.

It seems that the little girl was role playing Ladybug, and Marinette an akuma, and the more he watched, the larger his smile got watching the two. "You know, being a stalker isn't typically the best way to get a girl to like you." Plagg mentioned, flying out of the boy's pocket. Adrien just rolled his eyes with a smile. "Don't be like that, Plagg." Adrien grumbled, shielding the kwamii from the view of the people walking around him.

"I'm just saying, at some point she's gonna look over at you and realize you're staring at her. Don't you think that'll be a little awkward?" Plagg replied. The boy sighed, "I guess... It's just- she would be such a good mother." He said with a light blush, watching as Manon swung a yoyo at her, and Marinette pretended to be defeated, falling into her back with a tongue out.

Plagg looked towards the bluenette and the little girl, then at Adrien with a sigh. "What's up with ladynoirs always saying that about eachother?" He mumbled, a small smile creeping onto his face. Adrien looked at him before waving him off with a smile. "You notice things when you're in love, Plagg." He said, "You notice things..." Marinette was still lying on the floor when Manon hesitantly walked over to her and she shot up, grabbing her a tickling under her arms. "-most people wouldn't." He says, leaning back on his palms. Marinette's face was turning pink from laughter and she was looking down at Manon with a smile, her stray hair sticking to her forehead with sweat.

Once again Plagg looked between the two, thoughts going back to his first love and how sweet she was with children as well. They always held a special place in her heart, but perhaps she just had a special place in her heart for everything. She was always such a nurse to her charges and nonverbal kids. She would have been a good mother, too, Plagg supposed. Perhaps one day, she will be.

Plagg looked back at the girl and beyond her, to the small pink bag around her side and sighed to himself. "Okay Romeo." He said, flying up to the collar of his shirt. From afar Marinette was laughing, still on the ground with Manon and Adrien admired how her eyes sparkled as she brought her gaze up, as if knowing he was there, and locked gazes with him.

The smile fell from her face but her eyes remained joyful and he smiled at her, raising his hand in greeting. She returned the gesture and Manon sat up, looking over at him as well before a smile spread on her face and she stood. Before Marinette could grab her, she was running over to Adrien, yo-yo in hand. "Adrien!" She called and he held his arms out for her to run into.

She gave him a quick hug and took his hand, pulling him towards their play spot. "Come play with us! You can be Chat Noir!" She exclaimed, a bright smile on her face and Adrien walked with her.

"Oh, Manon honey, Adrien's probably too busy to-" Mari began, but Adrien spoke over her.

"Oh, no, I've got time!" He smiled, holding his hand up to her. "Unless of course you'd rather me go." He said, and her cheeks pinkened.

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