~Eight~ Cheaters never prospurr

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*Post reveal* *Adriennette* *fluff*

It had been two weeks since the reveal, and although there was still an awkward vibe between them, Marinette and Adrien had become very close since. Of course, not close enough to express their mutual feelings, but it somewhat went without saying that they cared very much about one another, and that it went past partnership, or mere friendship.

Weeks ago Marinette wouldn't believe she'd ever be with Adrien, in her room, playing video games just because they wanted to. Now, for a competition- an arranged competition- things would be different. But Adrien and Marinette were playing video games. Together. For. Fun.

And she wasn't even the one to bring up the idea!

  "Aw man, lost again." Marinette said, having won twice in a row against him. "Maybe third time's the charm?" She continued, raising an innocent finger to her lips and looking up at the boy who sat beside her.

   Adrien raised an eyebrow and mumbled something in mock anger about bad luck, to which the girl laughed and bumped her shoulder into his. "Oh quit your pouting." she chuckled, pressing the buttons to start another round.

   A few moments into the fight an idea came to Adrien and he glanced at Marinette, who was staring intently at the TV. Smirking, he without warning flopped his body onto Marinette's lap, and began to purr loudly.

   Marinette stilled at the controller and Adrien used this time to make a final move on her character, until the screen showed the words "GAME OVER"
an innocent smile on his face, he turned his head in her lap to look up at her. She remained to be staring at the TV, but now her lips were pulled into a pucker at the situation and her eyes slowly squinted.
   Laughing, Adrien sat up, and leaned unnecessarily close to her. "Cat got your tongue~?" He asked, to which Marinette's head immediately snapped in his direction.

   "You mangy cat!" She said slowly, a tinge of pink on her cheeks. Adrien burst into laughter and grabbed at his side as he moved to sit up beside her again.

   "Oh, I'll give you something to laugh about!" Marinette said, grabbing him by the sides and tickling his ribs, thus knocking him back onto her lap.

   "MARI- MaRI- Marinette!!" Adrien shouted in between breaths, fighting her tickling fingers at his sides. Marinette was relentless in her pursuits though, and she continued to torture him with a broad smile on her face. "Adri- Adri- Adrien!" She mocked lightheartedly, some stray hair falling into her face and tickling her nose. Her eyes shone and after a few more seconds she ceased her ticking with an admiring smile on her face.

   Adrien looked up at her, tears welled around the lid of his eyes, but a smile was on his face and he admired her own smile.

   Then something clicked, in the both of them. In that moment, something unsaid made sense, and though neither moved a muscle, their hearts responded to one another. A question, and an answer all in one. A promise, that didn't require words or ribbons.

   Serenity. The first step in love; the utter adoration of one's presence, because their presence feels like an answered prayer.

   Adrien looked to the girl's ruffled hair, and lifted a hand to right it behind her ear. "You got me." He said quietly to her, still gazing up into her face as she gazed down at him on her lap.

   "Yeah." She responded the same. "I do, don't I?"


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