~Seven~ Human! Children! Plagg x Tikki

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*Human! Plagg and Tikki* *Children! Plagg and Tikki**AU* *No miraculous's*             

(Also trash, defiantly not my favorite but I wanted to put some Pliki in here as well, and so- I did. Sort of. *le shrug*)

"Tikki, come down! What if you fall?!" Plagg, a black haired little boy at the age of six called. He wore bright green overalls, and a pair of black jeans with a black t-shirt, tied together with a black jacket with green cat ears.

                Tikki, an energetic, red headed five year old shook her head defiantly with a pout from the tree branch she was sitting on.

                "Don't let them get to you, they're just a bunch of meanies who don't know a thing about you!" Plagg continued, looking up at his best friend.

                Tikki stayed silent and started fiddling with her hair.

                "Well... If you're not getting down... I'll- I'll come up!" Plagg called up at her nervously, to which the red head looked down in surprise to find him attempting to pull himself up on a branch. "Plagg, you're afraid of hights! You always get stuck, too." Tikki called in her high voice.

                "I don't care, we're best friends for a reason, if you don't want to get down and play, I'll come up and keep you company." Plagg replied determinedly, although his voice shook a bit as he brought himself up to the first branch.

                Tikki let out a puff of air, and started climbing lower. "Hold on now, being best friends mean I can't let you climb too high." The red head mumbled as she climbed to the lowest branch with him.

                The boy let out a sigh of relief and sat himself on the branch right next to her. "Hi." He greeted her.

                "Hi." Tikki replied. "I can't believe you were going to climb a tree for me." Tikki mumbled.

                "I'd climb anything for you." Plagg told her, fiddling with the ends of his jacket.

                "Thanks." Tikki replied with a light blush as she let her feet swing in the air. There was barely enough room for her feet to swing without them touching the ground, and her feet could touch the dead leaves sitting on top of the grass.

                "So, about those kids." Plagg started, to which Tikki shook her head. "They're just dumb boys." She mumbled, kicking extra hard at the leaves she could reach.

                "But they still hurt you." Plagg said. Tikki didn't say anything, and there was silence for a few seconds.

                "Tikki, sometimes kids say things they don't mean."

                "But they did mean it, my voice is too squeaky. I don't know why..." Tikki trailed off, looking at the ground.

                Plagg shook his head. "Uh-uh. Nothing about you is too much of anything. You're a good mix of everything good." He replied.

                Tikki smiled at him weakly. "Thanks."

"You don't believe me." Plagg told her while looking at her.

Tikki shook her head.

A moment of silence passed before the boy spoke again. "Do you think people like you?" He asked, to which Tikki nodded.

"Do you think you can do things?" He continued. Tikki didn't reply. "We're still kids. We're still small. But one day, we'll be big. And big people can do things." Tikki looked at the boy confused.

                "We're growing. The today us, won't be the tomorrow us. We're gonna change. One day we're gonna do something good. So, in the big picture, does it even matter what we don't like about ourselves today?" He asked her, looking out at the park as he swung his feet in the air, being too short still to reach the leaves.

                "I'm short." Plagg went on. "One day, I won't be. You have a high voice, one day, you might not." Plagg looked down. "It's easy to not like ourselves. We don't feel like it's hurting anyone. But when we get big, we might look back and wish we didn't hurt these kids with the things we believe. You're pretty, Tikki. You don't sound weird, You don't look weird, you're perfectly you. That's a good thing." He finished.

                Tikki looked at him with a smile, and pink cheeks. "You're not that short." Tikki replied, nudging the boy in the side. The two laughed, "I think I've got some cheese in my lunch box. You want some?" Tikki asked, getting ready to hop off the branch.

                Plagg smiled with a nod before looking down. "Tikki-" "I'll get Mom, hang on." She giggled, walking to a nearby bench where a blue haired woman sat next to her blond husband.

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