~Eight~ Magic hand sanitizer

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          "Chat Noir! Chat Noir!" shouts a little brunet girl in the front row of the crowed, being nearly shoved out of the way by the reporters and other fans who wittnessed the akuma attack that was reeking havoc only moments ago. "Chat Noir! Chat Noir!" She repeats, not being heard over the crowed shouting out for Ladybug. "Chat-!"

"Oh shut up already!" Growled a blond little boy, sightly older then the girl, where she was maybe 3 or 4 and he might have been between 4 and 5. In turn the brunet winces and steps back. "Why are you shouting for his attention when Ladybug is here, anyway? Don't you know that Chat Noir is just the puny excuse for a sidekick to help the real hero, Ladybug?" He scoffed, making the young girl crinkle her nose in distaste.

"What?! No way! Kitty is not a sidekick!" The girl retorted, shoving a finger into his chest.

"Yes he is! You can ask my dad! He knows everything about Ladybug and your kitty! and he said that Chat Noir couldn't do anything without Ladybug! That Chat Noir is useless!"

"No he's NOT! Chat Noir is Ladybug's bestie! They fight TOGETHER!" The brunet girl shouted at the boy, tears welling up in her eyes.

"They fight together so Chat Noir can be bait! Ladybug is the real hero and everyone knows it! You're just a stupid girl, you don't know what you're talking about!"

"Kitty is not bait!" The girl screamed with tears running down her face, pushing the boy to the ground, getting the attention of a few people in the crowed.

The boy kicked her legs while on the ground and she joined him on the floor. The girl crawled over to him, jabbing him in the ribs, each time shouting "Kitty's not bait!" before two pairs of gloved hands pulled the two apart and the chaos of the crowed ceased.

It seemed as if going in slow motion for the two children. The boy with blond hair now nursing his right side with tears rolling down his cheeks held in black spotted arms, and the young girl melting into a pile of tears in arms of black leather. "Kitty's not bait, kitty's not bait..." She sobbed, tangling her arms around the person holding her loosely.

"Who's Kitty?" The leather clad boy asked, sitting down on the water fountain that lay only steps away from her previous location. Upon the sound of his voice the girl looked up to see who it was, and gasped, wiping away her tears with a smile.

"Kitty!" The girl beamed.

"I'm Kitty?" He asked, turning his head to the side pretending not to understand. The little girl nodded eagerly and pointed to his ears. "Meow!" She said.

"Meow? is that how I sound?" Chat asked her, crinkling his nose playfully. The girl only nodded with a smile before it sliped from her face completely.

"That boy was saying mean things about you... He said you were a sidekick... He said you're not a real hero... That ladybug was better..." The girl stuttered as another tear dripped down her face. 

"He did?" Chat asked and paused "Well what do you think?"

"I think he's a snot nosed booger face." The girl replied immediately. Chat chuckled, which made her smile, "What's your name Princess?" He asked.

"Lilly," She smiled.

"Well, Lilly," Chat started "let me ask you something. If you fight with a snot nosed booger face, what do you think you're going to get on your hand?"

The girl's jaw dropped and she crinkled her nose, "Ew!" Chat nodded. "It's very 'ew'." He replied, "But you fight booger faces all the time!" The girl laughed, poking his chest.

Miraculous one shots~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora