One for sorrow

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Mere hours ago, Adrien Agrest kissed the lips of his dying wife as she laid in the middle of a deserted street, taking the last of her lively breathes in his arms.

They had finally come face to face with Hawkmoth, of which who happened to be Adrien's very own father, and, unprepared and unexpectedly, the two partners were thrusted into a fight they believed for a short while they could both walk away from. That was until, Chat Noir noticed all too late the new addition to Hawkmoth's army of one a second before her target did.

"M'lady, watch out!" He shouted at the bluenette, his voice filled with complete and utter desperation, to which the lady picked up on a second too late. She turned, and as if slow motion, Chat mentally begged his feet to run faster across the rooftops.
Despite his determination to reach her in time, he knew his feet couldn't run fast enough, and ladybug hadn't had enough of a warning to do much past turn around to face the threat, her eyes claiming a projection of acceptance as the blade rushed closer and closer to her back.

"Ladybug!!!" The blond boy screamed to the world, arms reaching out to her falling body as he approached. Without missing a beat, his arms picked up her bleeding mass as a pained cry errupted from her throat. His eye searched her face desperately, internally begging for him to wake up if this were some kind of sick dream.

"Ch-chat." Her bleeding form croaked out, but the boy hadn't heard her, his senses overwhelmed with a sense of desperation and anger. With his wife in his strong hold, he rushed across the rooftops, completely disregarding Hawkmoth and his yellow and black striped friend as his grip adjusted as to hold his lady as close to his body as possible as he rushed her to the hospital.

"Ch-chat..." The woman repeated, a hand reaching to rest on the man's chest as tears raced down his reddening cheeks. He shushed her, continuing to leap across the rooftops.
"It's going to be okay." He managed out, his grip tightening on her small frame. "It-its going to be okay- it has to be okay!" He shouted into the wind ripping at their faces. "I'm- I'm going to get you help, and- and you're going to be okay, just hold on Marinette." He bawled, begging his legs to push harder into his steps.

"Chat, please..." She said, tears forming in her own eyes. "Stop. Stop running." She panted, blinking hard against the pain.

"I-I can't Marinette, we're almost there. We're almost there, and everything's going to be okay..." He began to blubber, his emotions overwhelming him as he notices not even the cold air ripping at his suit is cooling the warm blood pouring out of his wife's body.

"Adrien..." She whispered, her hand suddenly growing heavy as she lifts it to his chest again.
The man slowed with his true name on his Love's lips, and couldn't find it in him anymore to disobey her, even upon seeing the glimmer of the hospital lights just over the bend, he knew he wouldn't make it. He knew he was waiting valuable time by trying, as innocent as it was, to save his wife.

Continuing to hold her bridal style against his chest, he lowered the two of them to the ground of an alley. "Marinette..." He whimpered, trying desperately to remember the feel of her warm skin.
"I'm here kitty..." She whispered, her eyelids feeling heavy, but she managed a smile onto her lips, her cheek pressed against the familiar fabric and muscle of his chest.

"I'm so sorry Mari... I should have been there for you, I should have stayed close, I could have saved you!" He sobbed, holding his lover tight as he dropped down to the floor of the alley in a sitting position. "If I had..." He continued on, but she raised a warm finger to his pale face, tracing the curves of his lips.

"If you had been close enough to do anything, our roles would be reversed." She said softly. "And I couldn't live with myself if they were." She said, her voice softening to barely above a whisper. She opened her eyes to peer into his emerald green ones. "I... Am so proud of you, Kitty." She breathed, "You've made Evey day of mine a good one. Fighting by your side has made me the happiest girl in the world, and I need you to know that." She said, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Adrien started to shake his head, his hands moving to hold her face. "I-I can't live without you..." he sobbed, tears falling to her warm body.

"You have to." She smiled at him, "You have to be strong for the kids. They're going to need you, Adrien." She said, holding his hand in hers with as tight a grip as she could manage.

"I..." Adrien bit out, more of a whine then a word. "I love you Marinette... I love you so much..." He sobbed, gripping on to her hand tighter before bringing her knuckles up to his lips.

"I love you too." She replied, fighting back her own tears as she stared into his piercing green eyes as he watched her blue ones go dim as the moments slip away.

In a moment of desperation to keep her close, he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers in a kiss he would burn into memory forever.
Her hand weakened her grip as his own tightened, and he could tell she was slipping away. Slowly, he pulled his lips away as he watched her fight to stay awake. "Promise me you'll stay for them. Be their hero, Adrien. Don't you let me cripple you into the man you were raised by. Don't you do that to our babies." She begged, searching his eyes, as her breathing slowed. She found in that moment, that dying was very much like falling asleep.

Adrien sobbed into her chest as he held her bleeding form closer. "I promise. Marinette, I'll give them the best life I can. I promise you I'll protect them." He said, each word calming his wife even more then the last.

"Thank you, my love..." She said, her hold on his hand going almost completely limp, but she forced it to raise into the air in a fist. "Pound it." She said, her voice cracking.

Sobbing louder, Adrien smiled beyond his tears as he knocked his fist into hers one final time. "Pound it." He said, as her eyes began to close again and he held her closer, listening to her breathing with a deep pain in his chest that quickly rocked throughout his whole body when he heard that beautiful sound for the final time.

"I love you, m'lady."

* * *
His grief came in waves. Beyond a broken man, he was overwhelmed with the desire for payback. Queen Bee was the one who ended his lover's heartbeat, and he wanted more then anything to do the same, but was reminded of his final promise to her.
Oh how he wanted to kill her, but what kind of father could he be if he did? He couldn't be. And that would leave his beloved children in the hands of the government. He couldn't do that. Not to his children or his wife.

So he reverted to saddness. Having not the strength to run back into war after his lover's passing, he went home after bringing her body to the hospital. He knew perfectly well that they couldn't do anything for her, so he took her ear rings, gave Tikki her chance to say goodbye, and brought her jewelery home with him once dropping her off.

He tried his best to stay strong at the face of his daughters and son, but he found quite quickly he couldn't look at them without breaking down. This, however, didn't stop him from being with his family.

Clara and Emma were still only six at the time, whole little Leo was simply a newborn. They had kept them all with Alya, their go-to baby sitter for patrole and solomly sat with them all. Every moment broke off another piece of his heart as he sat down with them, and told them what happened. Alya had long since known of their dangerous careers, and had even put on her own mask to help out every now and again, so when Adrien walked through the front door with a tear stained face, dripping with his wife's blood, she immediately broke down into tears, knowing all too well what it meant.

"You should have done more!" Alya burst out, lunging at him for a hit. "She had so much life left, so much potential, weren't you suppose to protect each other?!" She yelled, continuing to his the blond man the first moment they got to themselves. Despite her words, Adrien took the brunette into his arms, embracing her tightly, taking hit after hit as she needed.

Minutes later, Alya had settled into a sobbing mess, leaning on Adrien, her face shoved into his t-shirt. "I'm sorry." She whimpered, he hands tightening around him. "I didn't mean any of that, I know it isn't your fault, it's just..." She started, but Adrien cut her off with a hush.
"It's okay, Alya.
It's okay."
Glaring out over the woman's shoulder Adrien saw a bird perched on a tree branch right outside the window- what appeared as a raven, but as quick it was there, it was gone.

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