~Three~ Half baked smut for y'all

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            Hey guys, just wanted to warn you guys about some slight intimacy, it gets pretty steamy, but I don't really get into the whole hokey pokey business of it all, so, enjoy?

        The sun had just dawned, and a certain ladybug was sitting on the edge of the Eiffel Tower next to a black alley cat. The city had been very quiet lately, and  patrol had ended nearly four hours ago, but neither of the two had wanted to leave.

          Maybe it was just something in the air- or a thing of the moment, but something had happened. Something Chat Noir never thought would.

His lady had kissed him. It was short, and it was soft, but she kissed him.

       Chat swore it was a dream. To this moment, four hours later, he wondered if he was asleep, and frankly, he was afraid if he were to move, he'd wake up, and he would no longer have the pleasure of the unknown.

         "Can we talk about it?" He had asked in a quiet voice, as he looked over to the bluenette with hopeful eyes.

          The girl blushed and turned her head away bashfully. "We don't have a choice, do we?" The boy's gaze softened at her, and he smiled. "It'd be cruel not to." He replied.

        There was silence for a second, and as Marinette refused to look at him, Adrien refused to look away.
     "M'lady," The boy started, only to get cut off by the girl.

         "I don't know why." She said, making the boy drop his posture, as his heart seemed to fall apart. Of course she didn't like him. Of course that kiss didn't mean anything, how could it? He had always known she was too good for him...

          His thoughts ran at a million miles an hour, his emotions soaring from sadness, to shame, to this feeling of stupidity, and it wouldn't have ended if it weren't for the girl's next words.

           "I had my life planned out. I had a boy I already wanted, and a future I already planned, but then..." The girl glanced at him. "Something changed, and you ruined all those plans..."

          Then, there was hope. Not much, but enough to light a flame in his heart. Is it possible she...?
"What does this mean?" He asked.
          "Complications." The girl replied. "Many complications."
         "No, I mean the kiss." He had replied. "Was it just a spur of the moment? Or...?" The girl looked at him with a flushed face, and said nothing.

"M'lady, please... I need to know..." The boy whispered. 
             "Chat... I..."
        "You what? Please M'lady, I want the truth. I want to know if what you did was out of emotion, or simply a spur of the moment? I want to know what this is... please..." He said, his eyes begging.
        "I...I don't know..." The blue haired girl said shamefully. "I-I'm Sorry..."

       There was silence again, a silence so still, it was as if time stood still. "Then tell me it was just a moment." He whispers.
        "Wha-t?" The blue haired girl replied with wide eyes.
          "I need an answer, M'lady. I can't just take a shrug and be okay with it, I can't just accept that... if you don't have an answer, don't let me wonder. Because for me, that kiss meant so much. Maybe it shouldn't have, maybe it didn't mean anything, but to me, it did. To me, it meant everything. And if it shouldn't, I need to hear it from you that it doesn't mean anything. Please, M'lady." He says with a cold expression.

         Ladybug stayed silent, and stared at him.

       "Tell me the kiss meant nothing." Chat asked again.
         Still, the girl stayed quiet. This silence shunned Chat's patience, and he reached out to turn her chin towards him. "M'lady..."

         "I can't say that,Chat." The girl replied, looking into his eyes like a kicked puppy.

          "Then tell me something else. Tell me anything else. Tell me you love me, tell me you hate me, tell me to go home and never come back, tell me you don't want me. But don't say nothing. Don't do that to me."

    "Tell me to leave." The blond whispered, leaning towards her slightly. "Tell me to leave right now." He begged. "Tell me to leave before I make a fool of myself. Before I ruin our friendship, before I ruin our partnership, before I ruin your life, tell me to run away."

"Then tell me you want me to stay." He said, moving closer towards her, to where their foreheads were almost touching.

"I..." The bluenette breathed. "Ch-chat, I..." She whispered, looking into his eyes as she felt his breath on her cheek.

Chat's hand had moved from her shoulder to the back of her neck, and she shivered.

    "I... I want you to stay..." She mumbled seconds before a pair of warm lips grazed her own, and a flame was lit in her stomach.

This time was, to say he least, very different then the first. Instead of making his heart stop, Chat's heart sped up a million miles an hour, and he let himself be truly happy as he kissed her soft lips. The soft lips that were soon nipping, and sucking at his own.

It may have been just a kiss, but it said everything he had always wanted to tell her, everything she couldn't explain to him, everything that needed to be said was expressed in a pair of mouths on each other, and a silent Parisian night. However, the silence of the city was broken, and Chat felt as though his entire being burst into flames when he heard a quiet moan come from his partner before he pulled away a little with a mischievous smile.

"Did I just happen to make M'lady moan?" He asked, his lips brushing over her own with each word.
The girl blushed with a fazed expression. "Um... no?" She tried with a slight smile.

"Oh shucky darn..." Chat started, giving the girl a peck on the lips. "Guess I'll have to try again..." he said with a grin, bringing his fingertips to brush over the front of her neck. "I mean, if that's okay with you.." He looked up at her as he laid a light kiss to the middle of her neck. The girl swallowed hard, and the boy felt it against his cheek.

   The girl opened her mouth to speak, but Chat Noir chose that moment to pull a small bit of skin into his mouth and gently suckle. So now rather words, the blue haired girl let forth a gasp before biting down on her lip as the boy waited before releasing the skin, and laying a light kiss over the slightly bruised spot.

Hiya, no, too awkward they're too pure, I can't continue down this treacherous road right now, so consider this a preview of what to expect should I get a request for smut. Hope you enjoyed this half baked lemon. Thanks for reading my brain vomit, come again, I take requests.

Miraculous one shots~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora