Fake proposals, friends, and fire sauce

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"We are bad people." Marinette deadpanned, staring at her boyfriend. 

"But cake is good." Adrien continued for her. It had been their four year anniversary as a couple, and Adrien one day came up with the brilliant idea of fake proposals around Paris for the soul purpose of free celebratory cake, which Mari was only somewhat amused. 

"Ya know, if one day you ever actually propose to me, chances are I'm not going to believe you because of this." She points out, fork pointed in his direction. 

"Oh, trust me, you'll know when I'm serious..." Adrien replies, a confident smirk on his face. 

This has her attention, and her gaze snaps top hers. "When?" 

"When." Adrien says decidedly. 

"When are you thinking?" She asks, and he chuckles at her. 

"Well, we are legal adults already. Maybe soon." He says, teasingly looking away from her. 

Mari blows out a deep, quiet breath. "Okay, but like- soon as in you're already planning it, or soon as in you might be planning it soon?" 

He then looks at her, a loving smile on her face. "Can't say."

"Noooo..." She whines, leaning her head back in her chair. 

"But, soon." He says simply. 

~The next day (At taco bell(Sorry, you're author's lazy))~

The couple had just come alongside Alya and Nino for lunch. They were eating away at their food, when Adrien's name had been called again from the man behind the counter. 

"What else could you possibly fit in your stomach?" Marinette asked, holding her own stomach with a look of disgust, unaware of the huge smiles of her two friends sitting with them. 

"You know that's actually a good question, I probably should have done this before we ate- but, no time to talk for that, it'd be quite rude to leave that poor guy waiting." He says, Marinette eyeing him strangely for the formality, but his expression left no hints or giveaways. 

As the boy walks up to the counter, Mari's lips begin to pooch at him when he picks up a seemingly empty tray and slowly makes his way back to the table, as he walks towards her, Marinette notices how many of the employees step out to look at him, all with smiles on face. Quickly, Marinette turns to look at Alya, to which she shrugs at her with a knowing smile. 

It's only when he gets closer to the table, not in front of his own seat, but in front of her seat- one a knee- in front of her can she really see what's on the tray. 

'Marry Me?' reads a small packet of sauce, and she eyes him a bit skeptically, "We're really doing this now?" She chuckles, looking around them. 

"Nope. I'm for real this time." Adrien replies, Marinette's face quickly becoming a bright red. "Oh. OH." She looks at Alya for a mere moment. "OH!" Then back at Adrien. "Yes!" She exclaims, picking up the tray from his hands and putting it on the table in front of her, before wrapping her arms around him, planting a kiss on his lips. 

With a huge smile on his lips, he stands up with her, lifting her feet off the ground as people around them clap. "I told you it was going to be soon." He says, smiling, their lips parting just slightly. 

"I love you." She says to him, "And I may just love you a little more for how you did it..." She chuckles as her feet meet the ground. 


So.... I know it sucks, so, sorry haha, but overall I think the idea is super super cute. I was at Taco Bell the other day and got a packet that had the "Marry me" Thing on it, and my writer's mind just kicked in and said. "It has to happen" So it happened. I know it's obvious it's rushed but I haven't written any miraculous ladybug stuff in a long time because I've been working on my SAO fanfiction (Which I'm so proud of myself for, it's getting so long, it has like 130-something pages right now and I'm far from finished) so, forgive me for any incorrect grammar or something, I just wanted to get this out there, I'll probably rewrite this when I have enough time to do it comfortably, but I can't imagine that's soon- so, thank you for reading these one shots, I love getting feedback on them from you guys, it honest to God makes my day, so, if you have anything to talk about, comment it down, start a conversation with somebody, make a friend, I don't know haha, just be happy! 

-<3- Rain

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