~Two~The desk chair

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*Mari/Ladybug POV*

I've just finished patrol and I find my thoughts drifting as I leap across Paris, and I soon enter through my balcony window into my room. Waiting for me, I find a large assortment of blue and white gardenias and roses on my dresser and stop dead in my tracks. "Woah," I breath. I release my transformation and slowly approach the bouquet, reaching out and sliding a finger down one of the petals.

From behind me, Tikki giggles and spins in circles quickly. "I think we found out why a certain alley cat was late tonight~!" She teased. I look back at her quickly and glance at the flowers again, unable to process the surprise. Tikki replies with another giggle and flies toward them, inspecting the desktop for proof it was who she thought.

I shook my head and looked around my room in a haze. Surely Chat didn't...

"Ah-Hah!" Tikki cried out in victory, and showed me a sticky note left in between two of the flowers.


Surprise! I stopped by before patrol earlier, but it turns out you weren't home. Hope you like them!

Always yours,

Chat Noir

"No way..." I mutter, and when I see Tikki zoom off out of the corner of my eye, I glance around my room already knowing what I'll find. Leaning over my balcony window with bright green eyes giving color to the darkening sky around him, is the ridiculous kitten in question. At first, I don't go over and let him in but rather glance back at the flowers, then Chat with a raised eyebrow. His widening smirk confirms my theory and I find myself nibbling on my bottom lip before walking over to him.

"Does my Princess approve?" The cat-clad superhero asked, jumping into my room before I even have a chance to open the window all the way. I feel a thin layer of heat cover my cheeks and I avoid looking him in the eye when I reply.

"Chat, they're absolutely beautiful, but really you shouldn't have." I say, walking over to the bouquet and letting the pad of my finger brush against one of the petals. Chat, being the flirt he is, walks over to me and presses my hand to his lips in a gesture so sweet I find a soft smile spread over my features.

"Say no more nonsense now, Princess. You're worthy of much more, and we both know you're lying. I can tell you appreciate them more than you think you're letting on." He smiled, stepping away to sit on my desk chair, giving a couple spins.

*Third person POV*

Truth? Although she was taken aback by them, she was flattered by the flowers, and- to put it simply- she loved them. Maybe it was the colors, maybe it was the unclear meaning behind them, perhaps it was the way they were positioned somewhere Chat knew she would find it quickly, or maybe it was none of that, but something in Marinette's chest felt as if it were held in soft, warm hands, and she felt wanted in a way different from when Alya includes her in the Ladyblog, or when her parents surprise her with new fabrics. Somehow... Some way... This felt different. And the feeling warmed her heart.

Looking over to the cat in question, she watched as he increased his speed on the spinning chair. "Chat Noir, you're going to make yourself sick if you don't slow down!" Marinette scolded with a chuckle, walking over to him and attempting to stop the contraption. Chat, however, increases his speed faster and chuckles himself when the female friend starts grabbing a hold of his arm, a weak attempt at ending the childish amusement. Rather than ending the nonsense, Chat Noir managed to pull her down on his lap as he spun faster, his quiet chuckling growing into a full blown laugh when he saw Marinette's face of surprise as she glanced at the boy from behind her.

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