Two For Joy

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Two for joy- Marichat

Marinette woke to a tapping on her window late one night- well, late or early depending on how you view it- and looked towards her skylight, already knowing what she'll find. From the other side of the window sat a boy clothed in a black leather, cat ears perked under the dim moonlight, and a small bell at the throat of his suit.

Sitting up from her bed and moving to open the window, Marinette began a silent stream of curses ranging from 'why the hell are you up so early' to 'If you don't have a good reason for banging on my window at 2am...' and she unlatched the window to let the boy in.

"Good evening, Purrincess." He says, a smile on his face. In return, she simply points at the alarm clock sitting atop her dresser.

"It's two in the morning. What do you want?" She asked flatly while walking back for her bed, beckoning him to join her.

"So what if it's a little late?" Chat asked, shrugging his shoulders. "We cat's do our best hunting at night." He winked at her, and she rolls her eyes, shuffling back under the covers.

"It's not even late, it's early. Way too early to be awake, way too early to be functioning, way too early to be anything but asleep, come here." She says, lifting the blanket for him to get under, to which he does, quite quickly.

Shifting under the covers he turns to face her with a smile. "Sorry for waking you." He says, and she smiles, her eyes closed.

"It's okay, just next time either come earlier or wait until a reasonable hour." She mutters, and he shuffles closer to her.

"Okay." He replies.

"Okay." She mumbles, half-asleep already.

Chat waits a moment, watching her face as her breathing slows into the soft rhythm of her sleeping state. "Okay." He says again, watching her face as her breath hits his skin. He watches her a moment longer, in a strange sort of awe. He had no doubt this girl had grown immensely important to him over the last few years but, in this moment, he realized, he just might love her in a way he's only read about loving someone. Because in this moment, he's happy, and he feels... loved. So very loved.

For months she's gotten to know him as Chat Noir. For years she's gotten to know him as Adrien. And he feels sometimes, as strange as it is, that he's created another persona with her presence. Adrien and Chat, they're admired. Teenage girls have pictures of him decorating their walls, for his face, his body, his talents. Marinette, she has this way of looking at him, really looking at him, as if she can see through it all. She can see through his fake smiles, his ungenuine laughter, she has this way of reading him like a book. She looks at him in a way that reminds him of how his mother once did, but yet differently.

He didn't know what to call it exactly, but as he stared into the face of this girl, he felt as if he were finally home. A warm, loved, comfortable home. His home.

"Goodnight, Mari." He whispers, certain that she couldn't hear him, but yet he watched as her lips pulled upwards into a small smile. Chat Noir soon drifted off upon her bedsheets, happily holding her close. 

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