Chapter One: Josh // a little trip into his arms.

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Welcome to my novel. No plagiarism. Cover by the amazing CannibalisticNecro

Chapter One: Third Person POV


He and his mother had a fight.

It wasn't one of their normal bickers that'll leave them mad at each other for minutes, no. This was huge. She made a decision that'd affect the both of them without first consulting him. Of course he wanted her to be happy but this was too sudden.

His mother was a beautiful, intelligent woman, no doubt but she could be naive sometimes.

His dad passed away a little over two years ago. He was Josh's favourite parent, as bias as that sounded. He was a good man, always noble and his motto was, if you want to do something, do it with all your heart.

His father loved Josh and his mother with all of his heart. He made sure a day didn't go by when he didn't remind them just how important they were to him. He bought them gifts, took them out, joked with them, made them laugh. Josh's mother was a hundred percent enjoying her marriage and he was a hundred percent enjoying his family until tragedy struck.

His father was a victim of a bank robbery gone wrong. Of course, when Josh's mother was told the news, she laughed and never did believe it was true.

His mother didn't cry for his father, mostly because she couldn't believe he was gone but he thinks she realised it the day of the funeral because she kept thrashing and screaming and couldn't keep her self together.

Josh cried too. He cried every day since we got the news 'til a year until his mother told him something.

“What if the people in heaven can only pass on when their loved ones forget them and you're holding your father back?”

He then decided to stop crying because his father deserved to rejoice in the arms of God. He was a good man and in Josh's heart, he thought he could never be replaced, until,

His mother replaced him.

Merely two years after my father's death and she was already getting married. He felt betrayed for himself and his father. Had she forgotten how this man used to make her laugh and appreciate the little things in life?

I mean, he didn't even know she had a boyfriend!

Maybe that was where all those late night outings for the past five months had gone to. He couldn't believe the woman could do this to him and his dad.

Josh just couldn't bear to look at her, so he left the house, boarding the train to his favourite place: the park.

That's where he met him.

He was always fond of cliche, romantic beginnings.

Ever since he was a kid and his parents made him watch that romance movie, Arranged Marriage and he fell in love with the characters so much, he felt like he was the character.

Josh had never had a real friend, someone he could confide in. Of course, he knew numerous people and he talked to them on a daily but that was mostly at uni and a smoke breaks - something he'd stopped over time. Now he only ever spoke to Mia.

At nineteen, Josh had never had a best friend, maybe it was because he never searched for one.

There was Adi, a charming Indian girl who spent her days mesmerised in the works of Richard Wright and Armah Darko

“I just think their works should be brought to a limelight because it emphasises on the suffering of all individuals regardless of their races”she always used to say.

Josh thought she was a nice person. Beautiful, intelligent and an intellectual optimist, she was the perfect match for someone as complicated as Joshua Dun.

He told her everything because he knew she'd understand. She made sure to see things from different point of views and she always kept an open mind.

Things were going great and she was really all he needed, platonically that was, until she moved away and they lost contact and once again, he was all alone.


Of course Josh had his mom, great woman she was but somehow, she wasn't enough. He'd walk on the street and see couples or just friends having a good laugh and suddenly he'd feel that void he'd been try to cover up resurface again and he wouldn't know what to do.

He had never been one to actually make an effort to deal with this problems which was possibly why he was looking for someone to deal with them for him.

It definitely couldn't be his mom seeing as they just got into a fight.

A sigh escaped his lips as he trudged through the London snow, his hand in his pocket and his heart heavy. He and his mom had moved over here a year and half after his father's death since their old town reminded them too much of him and his mother was offered a well paying nursing job on this side.

Josh had made some friends in the University already even though he was just in his first year. He was socially an extrovert, but when the lights turned off. . .

He shook his head and sighed again. He was headed towards the subway where the train led to the park on the other side of town. He hadn't gotten his own car yet so the train was his best bet.

His mother had promised to get him a car of his own the next year on his birthday though so that was nice.

Once he reached the subway, he payed for his ticket and made way to the back, ignoring the continuous dinging of his phone signalling messages from his mother. She knew he wasn't going to answer so he wondered why she kept trying.

He switched off his phone, deciding to feel guilty later. He knew when he got home, he'd find her crying her eyes out due to worry and he'd feel so guilty, he'd promise it wouldn't happen again even when they both knew it would.

He sat down and rested his head on the wall next to the window, letting his hand rest over his eyes with a sigh. People had filed in and the train doors were about to close when he heard a small voice call out, “Hold it”

Someone held the door for the poor shivering lad to which he whispered, “Thank you”, his long hands wrapped around himself.

The idiot wasn't even wearing a coat.

His eyes scanned for an empty seat when he realised the only one was next to Josh. He slowly made his way over to Josh, trying desperately to not hold eye contact.

It was okay for a while, it seemed. At least the boy could carry his long limbs, Josh thought.

That was until the frail little boy made a little trip into his arms.

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Say hello to the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it? Please follow my instagram @dundundun.j thanks x

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