Chapter 13: Black Magic and Barriers

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          Audrey paced her room as Chad watched her from his position on her bed. "I can't believe this! They barely acknowledged our presence at the party! The Pan twins walk in and they cheered while they didn't even clap for us! We're royalty Chad we deserve more respect!" Chad nodded as he stood up. "You're right, we do deserve more respect. How we going to get it though? The VK's have pretty much taken the spotlight."

          A smile grew on Audrey's face as she turned to face him. "Chad! You're a genius!" A confused look crossed his face. "I am? I mean, of course I am! Um, why am I a genius Audrey?" A devious smirk grew on her face. "Because the VK's can help us get back on top, and I know just the one who can help us."
             Audrey knocked on the door and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for someone to answer. Eventually, the door cracked open. "What do you want Audrey?" She smirked and leaned against the door frame. "Hey Celia, I need your help." Celia gave her an unconvinced to look. "Why would I help you?" She sighed and reached in her purse, pulling out of sack of coins. "Because I can pay you."

             Celia sighed and opened the door. "Fine. How can I help you princess?" Audrey smiled and sat down on the bed. "Your dad used to help people obtain their greatest desires. I want you to do the same for me." Celia rolled her eyes. "You do realize attaining your greatest desires will come with consequences, right?" Audrey shrugged. "I think I can handle it."

            She sighed and grabbed her tarot cards from her drawer. "Let's get this over with." Celia laid the cards out on the bed and waved her hand over them, causing the cards to glow. "Ask the cards your question." Celia instructed. Audrey glanced over the cards. "How can I regain the status and power that Mal has taken from me at school?" One by one the cards stopped glowing until only the third card from the left remained aglow.

           "Flip it over, the tarot cards have provided an answer." Celia told her, gesturing to the glowing card. Audrey reached over and flipped the card, gasping when she saw the image it portrayed. "The Dragon's Eye Scepter!? How is that supposed to help me?" Celia shrugged as she collected her cards. "The cards only tell you what you need to know. The rest you must discover for yourself. Just remember you will lose something in order to gain what you want." Audrey rolled her eyes as she walked to the door. "I'm not scared of your so-called friends from the other side." Celia sighed. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She called as Audrey shut the door.
               "Bye Grandpa! I'm going for a swim!" Melody called as she left the palace. "Be careful and be home for dinner!" King Triton called back. He sighed as he watched her swim off. "I wish I knew where she was swimming off to every day." His royal advisor, Sebastian, swam up beside him. "You could always follow her sire." He suggested.

           "I don't know Sebastian. She might get angry and think I don't trust her." King Triton sighed. "Well, what she doesn't know won't hurt her." Sebastian said. He looked out towards the palace gates at his granddaughter's retreating form. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see where she's going." King Triton relented, swimming after his granddaughter.
              Melody swam over the reef and towards the darkest part of the Strait of Ursula. She swam through the dim, murky water keeping her hands in front of her as she swam. Eventually, her hands touched the surface of an invisible barrier. "Where is he?" She murmured, looking through the barrier.
           King Triton watched his granddaughter as she peered through the barrier. "Why would Melody come here? Doesn't she realize what dangers lie beyond that barrier?" Sebastian looked at Melody before turning back to face the king. "She has her mother's curiosity sire. Ariel longed to be on land, Melody longed for the sea. Now, it has lead her here." King Triton nodded. "You are right, but why?" Sebastian gestured towards the barrier. "I think we are about to find out."
            A figure began making it's way towards the barrier from the other side. Melody pressed her hands up against the barrier as she peered through the murky water. "Michael? Michael is that you?" She called out. "M-Melody?" A weakened and exhausted voice called back. The figure slowly approached the barrier revealing a boy with dark skin, black hair, and green eyes. However, his most distinguishing feature was the eight black and blue tentacles that formed the bottom portion of his body.

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