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Myah dove behind the couch, the glass bottle missing her by an inch. She tried desperately to contain the sobs that threatened to leave her mouth. Her father walked in drunk of the bottle and had not stopped throwing items at her ever since she walked through the door from school.

The young girl tried her best to hide from the older man, praying that he'd leave so that she can ran to wherever her little feet could take her. Her mother was nowhere in sight.

"Stop hiding you little hood rat! Yo momma shudda killed yo ass when she got pregnant. I told her I ain't want no damn child." He slurred and staggered, zoning in on her.

Myah quickly crawled on her knees, whining in pain as bits of glass shreds lodged their way into her hands and knees. She sucked in her cries of pain. She would have to take care of them later. Right now, her main goal was getting out of the hellhole she called her home.

A loud ringing sound came from the kitchen distracting the man who was gaining in on her. Noticing that he was distracted, Myah willed up the energy and courage from within, and rushed passed him on the other side, quickly exiting the house. She didn't stop there however. Her feet kept on running and running until she was at the end of the block.

The thirteen-year-old girl dropped to the ground, her weak legs giving up on her. Her tears immediately began streaming down her face, as the excruciating pain slammed into her like a speeding car.

At just the tender age of thirteen, running for your life from your own father should not be a daily activity for her. Sadly, this was her unfortunate life and she had a choice either to stay and deal with it or run away. But to where?

Her mother and father where the only relatives she knew. She had nowhere to run, no one to turn too.

Myah gritted her teeth as she pulled out the shards of glass from her flesh.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" She heard a voice speak to her. Looking up with her tear-filled vision, Myah saw that it was someone from her school. She has seen him a few times in the hall but never had the courage to talk to him or any one for that matter.

"I'm okay." She quickly lied, not wanting to draw any attention to herself.

"No, you're not, you're bleeding. What happened?" He asked stooping to her level.

"I-I-." she stuttered not sure of what to say. She was scared and in pain.

"Where are your parents?" he asked taking out his bag and going through it. He stopped pulling out a shirt handing it to her. "Here... for the blood."

Myah looked at the boy with quizzical eyes. Why did he stop to help her? And he was giving her his shirt to soak up her blood too.

"C'mon it's okay...you can use it, you're bleeding a lot." He urged her to take the shirt at her hesitation.

Myha slowly reached for the shirt, pressing it to her open wounds. She hissed in pain as the fabric touched her skin. More salty tears welled up in her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

"Are your parents nearby? I can walk you home." He asked again.

Myah vigorously shook her head "no", the fear and anxiety of returning to her house beating on her chest.

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