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Myah sat on one of the couches in the living area, going through her emails. She was still looking for a renting space to open her small hair salon.

Over the weeks, her clientele had grown significantly and more women were interested in investing in her wig making, installing and customizing skills. For that she was extremely thankful, the money she'd been generating from creating and selling wigs had been more than she had expected and she was thankful.

She was also looking for apartments to rent but the prices they were going for was making her sweat. Luckily she still had that favor from Amara and for that she was grateful.

Ever since he picked her up on the weekend, with the promise of them talking over the idea of her wanting to move out still in the air, they were somewhat back to normal. Myah said entire sentences to him instead of the one-worded answers now and they can sit in the same room in comfortable silence.

Christian had been out running some errands so she was home alone for now. She'd plan to initiate the conversation about her moving out when he returned. If he thought he'd just ignore the elephant in the room and hope for her to forget it all together he had another thing coming.

If Myah was being honest with herself, she was a little nervous about living on her own. Living with and relying on Christian was all she'd known ever since he rescued her on that fateful day. However, a stronger part of herself believed that it was necessary for her to branch out on her own. She needed to grow and become a stronger version of who she was now.

Yes, she was still in therapy and she felt like she was doing better. Her anxiety attacks were becoming less and she felt more empowered and confident to try things out of her comfort zone. After all, the advice her therapist gave her was that if she didn't challenge herself and stop being comfortable how would she know if she's healing. That was the pep-talk she needed to help her make her decision.

Myah had no idea what exactly she was getting herself into but she was excited to get started. She knew Christian would still be against it even if he said he'd be more receptive to what she had to say. It was just like him to be overprotective of her and think he knew what was best. She'd allow it in the past but the improving Myah wasn't going to stand for it anymore.

     Christian was exiting the plaza he entered to purchase some items related to his work. His mind was definitely at ease knowing that Myah was home safe. He could now focus on his tasks. He knew they had lots to talk about, regarding the insane idea of Myah moving out.

He also knew he'd promised to listen to what she had to say, but he still thought that she was rushing things. Chris believed that she wasn't ready to survive on her own, not only because she was still recovering from her traumatic past but also because of the fact that he wasn't ready to let her go. He'd pride himself on being her one protector over the years, the one person Myah always ran to with her problems, the one person she trusted wholeheartedly. Myah still needed him. How would he be able to look after her when she was on her own?

He would listen to what she had to say like he promised but he would certainly try his best to persuade her from making this bad decision. 

As he pulled into the driveway of their home his phone began ringing. The caller ID showed April, his cousin who lives in Australia. Wondering what could be the reason for her sudden call he quickly picked up.

"Hello?" Chris spoke into the phone.

"Hello?...Rome?" A soft female voice replied. 

Christian smiled at the name, after not having heard it in so long. His mom always called him that when he was younger.

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