Tomato 11/29/18

16 2 0

It's Friday and I couldn't be happier. My hair is amazing today, I finally found a class I love (dance obviously), and I get to stay home for two days after this. I'm ready to sleep in an extra hour before Margret wakes me with her screaming.

I walk into the cafeteria and go to my table to sit alone. I've learned to avoid anything that is Carmen Paine, the bitch that took my phone on Monday and that terrorizes me any moment she sees fit. I set my bag down and sit beside it, pulling out my phone to read the latest news on Facebook. My best friend of five years just updated a party invite. Of course I can't go because she's a whole four states away, but it'd be nice for her to check in. The only person that has was my grandmother who died yesterday, God rest her soul.

I sigh and close out of the app, going to my word games. I get a few levels ahead before the bell rings for first period. I sling my bag onto my shoulder and start to head out before Carmen and her two boys block my way. Rolling my eyes, I stand with my right hip popped out, showing off my curves. "Carmen, Warren, and Justin. To what do I owe the honor of-"

"I like your hair," the mixed queen gets close and separates a lock of hair from the mane. "Mind if I borrow it?"

I smile, holding back the urge to slap her hand. "Anything I can help you with?"

She shakes her head. "Not really. Justin here just needs a date to homecoming in a week."

I shrug. "What does that have to do with me?"

Instead of answering, Carmen steps forward, leaning down to put her mouth next to my ear. She whispers quietly, "you're his date, babe."

I step back, shaking my head. "No. No way! You guys are always so mean to me. Why would I do you any favors?"

Justin moves around Carmen to sling a heavily muscled arm around me. "I didn't think you'd say no, sweetheart. I would've brought food or something to convince you. Listen, if you do this for me I'll make it worth your while." He leans in close, aiming to kiss me.

I put my hands up and step out of his embrace. "No! I don't even like guys, anyway. No after the last few times."

Warren, the quiet one, smiles. "Wasn't that good, eh? No worries, my brother has women lining up to get back at him."

I scrunch my face up in disgust. "I'm going to be late to class, can I go?"

Carmen moves past the boys to lay a gentle hand on my lower back. "I'll take you. You guys go ahead too, I'll catch up."

They nod and head off, laughing and pushing each other. I turn to the taller girl. If I'm 5 foot 5, then she has to be a good 5 foot 8. Her bright brown eyes gaze into my wide green ones delicately. "What do you want? I'm sure all that wasn't just to ask me to go with him. Besides there are much better girls at this school you could easily ask."

She shakes her head and gently pushes me toward the doors out of the cafeteria. "You're right, there is another reason. I wanted to talk to you about homecoming."

I nod, not knowing where this is going, but loving her hand on me. "Go on."

She looks away, her head rolling back slightly to avoid my eyes. "I have a friend that might want to- Company. He'll want company."

"I don't like boys."

"She. She wants company."

I shake my head in amusement, stopping at my classroom. "Is it a girl or a boy, Carmen?"

She stops too, standing across from me. "Girl. You probably don't know her, but I want to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid that night. Here," she hands me a number, "text her tonight and tell her you're taking her out on Friday. Don't ask, tell."

I nod, just wanting to go to class. "Got it. I'll do it tonight."

"Don't screw me over Carson," she leaves as I walk in the room.

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