Tomato 12/06/18

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Dear Tomato Mafia,

I've been texting Nina, Carmen's 16 year old sister. It was awkward at first, but I've learned a lot about her. She just got out of a 2 year emotionally abusive relationship and has been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety and acute personality disorder. It's crazy how she's so young, but so old mentally. I decided to tell her, not ask, that I'm taking her out today for our late homecoming. It was supposed to be last week, but it snowed so they changed it to today.

I'm supposed to be picking her up in fifteen minutes, but she lives close by so I have time. I'm going to finish getting ready.

LOL- Spence

I get up and go to my mirror to fix my hair again. It looks fine, thickly swooped over to the right with a small black bow holding the mane away from my face. I smooth down my thigh length, fitting black dress and turn around to admire my curves. I go to my closet to grab my black wedges with a white bow on the open toe. Altogether, I look sexy.

I check the time and quickly fix my mascara and light red lipstick. I pick my phone off of the charger and text Nina to let her know I'm coming. Nina isn't gay and isn't looking for a relationship right now, so this is more of a friend's outing. I'm just glad to get out of the house to separate myself from Margret and her constant vomiting and bowel movements.

Shaking my head, I lock the door behind me and head for the car, hoping the heat would work. Thankfully the warm air starts blowing through the vents after the second block. I navigate the few streets to her place, calling her phone when I'm parked outside. "I'm out here, silver jeep."

"CARMEN! SHE'S HERE!" I pull the phone away from my ear to save myself. As I put it back to my face I can faintly hear Carmen's voice, "Be safe, don't leave her side, call me if you need anything. Remember what I taught you." Nina interrupts with a quick, "okay sis, I love you. I have to go."

The door opens and Nina comes rushing out. Carmen is behind her, walking slowly toward me. She leans into the driver window as I roll it down. "Keep her safe. I swear if anything happens to her-"

Nina gets in beside me, "Leave her alone. You set this up."

I nod, understanding. "I got this. This will be fun."

She stares into my eyes long enough to make me squirm before she nods back and watches me pull off. Nina turns to me, gasping. "You're gorgeous! She wasn't lying when she said smoking hot."

I blush, finally turning to look at the younger girl. "Oh my God, look at you!" Her brown afro is a wild yet contained mess on top of her head with a diamond studded headband holding it. Her dress is a stunning, slightly alarming, red that matches my lipstick. It's floor length and shows off every curve of her body. I can't see her shoes, but I bet they're amazing too. "You look absolutely stunning."

She smiles widely and throws her arms around me. "Thank you!" I steady the wheel and hug her with one hand. "Oh right. You're driving. God, I hope there are cute boys at your school."

I shake my head, laughing. "I'm sorry to disappoint. They're all ugly."

She shakes her head with me. "Same. I should really look for older boys."

I know she's joking, but for real. High school kids are ridiculous. I pull into the student parking lot and get out, opening the passenger door for Nina. "After you."

"Why thank you!" She steps out, her dress riding up enough to show her boots. I laugh, seeing one thing in common with her and her older sister. "They're comfortable."

"I don't doubt it," I take her arm in mine and lead her to the gym doors. When we get to the table I give the hall monitor the two tickets I paid for on Monday. He waves us in. "Do you want anything to drink first? I know it makes me feel better to hold something."

She nods and I lead her to the snack table. The teacher there pours us two drinks and offers us food to which we turn down. I lead her to the set of tables in the corner and pull out a chair. "What do people do at these things?"

I shrug, sitting down. "Dance and drink, I guess. What do you want to do?"

"I think I'm going to sit this song out," she points to the stereos and laughs. I listen for a second and join her as they play Rollie.

"We have to get up next song. It'll make the night easier." She nods at my advice.

We kept our promise and danced the rest of the night. At around ten or ten-thirty, Nina calls Carmen to tell her I'm taking her out to eat before taking her back home. Carmen gives us the go ahead and I start driving to the nearest Steak N' Shake. We each order and sit down, eating like men on football day. Once we're done I pay and take her home, cracking jokes at the drunk drivers and the kids at school.

I walk her up to the door even though Carmen is waiting for her outside. I give a long hug to Nina, "Goodnight if you need anything give me a call, beautiful."

She giggles and nods, "I had a great time. Thank you."

We watch as she goes inside. I turn to Carmen, suddenly feeling awkward. "She had a 'great time.'"

Carmen's brown eyes look darker in the night. She stares at me before smiling gently. "Thank you, Carson. She needed that."

I smile, relieved. "No problem. It was fun. I'll see you on Monday."

She nods and stuffs her hands in her basketball short's pockets before turning to watch me leave. I don't go two steps before she stops me with a hand on my arm. "You look beautiful tonight."

My face heats up and I nod, not knowing what to say. She lets me go and I get in my car, waving one last time before heading back home.

Caramel PopcornМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя