Tomato 01/12/19

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Dear Tomato Mafia,

Today is Friday and I'm supposed to go over to Carmen's. I'm not sure if she's coming to get me or not. Nina hasn't told me anything. I guess I should get ready just in case she shows up.

LOL- Spence

I toss my book aside and go to my closet to find something decent to wear. I settle for black skinny jeans and a light pink, thin shirt with a cute mouse on the front. I put on my black, ankle converse and start on my hair. I detangle it and start putting conditioner in to make it stay in place without frizzing. I swoop the mass to the right where it's supposed to be then put a small black bow in to keep it away from my face. Looking over myself again in the mirror, I decide I look okay.

Just as I'm taking my phone off the charger, I get a text from Carmen.

Carmen: Omw

Me: Rn?

Carmen: Yeah. I'll be there in 5

I silently scream before rushing back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and check my reflection once more. Just as I finish there's a knock on the door. I grab my purse off my bed and run downstairs, shouting to mom that I'm leaving. She yells something back, but I don't hear it. I open the door and put on a tense smile, hoping it looks casual. "Hi."

"Let's go." She turns around and starts walking down the sidewalk toward her house.

I hesitate, locking the door behind me. I jog to catch up to her long strides. She slows a little when she realizes I'm not with her. We walk in silence for a few steps before the question tumbles out of me quietly, "Are you okay with this?"

She takes a moment to answer. "I don't mind the walk."

"That's not wha-" I look up at her to see her smile. "Oh."

"Nina explained it to me a week ago. It's fine."

I nod, not knowing what else to say. I'm glad it's not that cold out so we could walk comfortably. Too bad it feels awkward. When we get to her house she unlocks the door and lets me in first. Nina walks toward me slowly. "Hey, Nee."

I close the distance and hug her. "Hi, Spencer."

I look at her face. "Nina?"

She shakes her head and steps out of my arms to go back into her room. I turn to Carmen expectantly. She shrugs and says, "She's been pretty down since yesterday. I hoped you'd be able to cheer her up." I nod, going to follow Nina. Carmen stops me with a hand on my arm. "Not right now. Let me make her breakfast-dinner first. Come help."

My face heats up as I follow the taller queen into the kitchen. It takes a moment for me to notice something missing. "Where's James?"

"He's at a friend's house. He should be back tomorrow," she starts taking out bowls and pans. I watch her from the door. "Get out the eggs, milk, and butter."

I follow her direction to the fridge in the corner. I get what she wants and set it out on the counter beside the sink. "Pancakes?"

"Waffles," she takes out a waffle maker and mix. "I found this is the only thing that cheers her up."

I nod, glad she's sharing anything about her life even if it's related to Nina. "I missed you at school today. I- I mean, I didn't see you."

She chuckles, pouring water into the dry waffle mix. "I've been here with Nee."

I shrug off the confession I made. "You didn't miss much."

"Thought so."

The kitchen gets quiet after that, but not tense or uncomfortable. I watch her make the waffles in between making the eggs. Once we're done we pile the food on a plate for Nee and head back to give it to her. Carmen carries the plate while I carry the blueberry syrup. I knock and open the door slightly calling out, "Nina, we have something for you."

I open the door wider to let myself and Carmen in. "Your favorite." Carmen sits beside the figure on the bed, setting the plate down on the end table and leaning over to cover her with her body. "C'mon baby, it'll be okay. I got you."

I hear a few sniffles before the figure turns over under Carmen's supported weight. "Smells great. Is Pen still here?"

I nod, coming to stand at the end of the bed. "I'm here and with blueberry syrup."

She sits up, moving Carmen a little to see me. "Thank you, guys." She takes the plate off the table and reaches out for the bottle in my hand. I give it to her and sit on the corner of the bed. "Can we watch a movie? I don't care what."

Carmen nods, taking her plate and the bottle to let her stand up. "Carson you pick. We'll be there in a minute."

I nod, heading into the living room to put something in. I settle for Hotel Transylvania hoping she'll laugh. They join me just as the trailers end and the home screen pops up. Carmen sits on in the middle since Nina claimed the other end on purpose. Even in her depression, she's matchmaking. I pull my legs up to rest beside me without touching Carmen. She sits with one arm on the back of the couch and her back resting comfortably at an angle against the cushion. I try to focus on the movie but between Nina eating and Carmen being so close, I don't know what's happening. I barely notice when my phone rings in my pocket. Carmen taps me, pointing to the glowing device. "Oh, thanks." I pull it out and answer it, walking into the bathroom to hear better.

"Spencer? I need help," it's Mom.

"What is it?"

"I fell. I tried taking a bath by myself."

I hold in a sigh and nod. "I'll be there in ten." I hand up before she can reply and head into the living room.

"Everything okay?" The light-skinned queen meets me in the hall.

I nod, deciding that telling her would be looking for pity. "I have to go. Thank you for letting me come over."

She nods, pulling on a coat over her tank top. "Let me get my shoes. Nina, I'm taking her home."

The 16-year-old jumps up from the couch to give me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"If Carmen lets me."


"I don't care,"  She comes out of her room and goes to the door to wait for me.

I nod, giving Nina a hug before following Carmen out. "Thank you for walking me back. I know it's cold."

"It's also dark. This isn't a good neighborhood," she stuffs her hands in her pockets.

"Right." I have to take larger steps to keep up with her, it's almost like I'm jogging. By the time we get to my street, I'm hot and panting from the workout.

I stop at my house and turn to her. "Don't say it." She interrupts me.

I smile, nodding and unlocking the door.

"I'll pick you up at one tomorrow," she starts walking away.

I go into the house and up the stairs to find my mom on the floor naked.

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