Tomato 12/26/18

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Dear God,

I thank you so much for killing David. He really had it coming.

I need to get out of the house today so if you could make that happen that'd be amazing. Anyway, I have to go, me and mom are celebrating the death with champagne and food.

LOL- Spence

I put my book away and go downstairs to meet my mom. I take a glass just as she hands it to me. I clink it against hers and sit down, taking a small sip to get the flavor. It's bubbly and smooth. I love it! I smile at her as she turns on the Christmas specials still on.

Someone knocks on the door halfway through Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I get up, putting my empty glass down. I check the peephole and squint my eyes confused. I open the door and put on a smile. "Carmen. What brings you here?"

The mixed queen looks down, pulling her black trench coat around her. "Carson. I figured you wouldn't want to be alone today. I mean, I know you have your mom, but- Come with me."

I look at her, wondering if this is really happening. "Where?"

She rubs her shaved head and looks at me. God those eyes are beautiful. "My place? Nina has been begging me to let you come over."

I nod. "Let me tell my mom and get dressed."

She looks at my night clothes and nods. "I'll wait out here."

I slowly close the door and run into the living room. "I'm going out with a friend. Call me if you need anything." She smiles and tells me to go ahead. I run upstairs and change into leggings and an MCR T-shirt. I throw on hightop converse and head out with my purse. I lock the door behind me. "Wait, did you walk here?"

She nods. "Don't have a car."

"Do you walk to school?" I lead her to my car.

"Yeah," she gets in the passenger side.

I shake my head, starting it up. The heat doesn't kick in. "Sorry, it works when it wants. I can pick you up if you want. It's no trouble."

It feels weird having the taller female in my car. It makes it feel smaller. "I don't mind it. It helps me clear my head."

I nod and pull over to the curb in front of her house. We get out and I follow her into her house, taking in everything. It's a lot smaller than my place, but from what Nina told me it's just her, Carmen, and their brother James. Nina comes running from the back of the house to greet me. I hug her tightly and smile. "Oh, Nina!"

"Hi, Spencer!" She lets me go and ushers me into the kitchen to show me she made pie. I try a piece and congratulate her. "Thank you! I mean, it was nothing. I looked at the recipe online."

I smile, taking another bite. "It's amazing, Nee."

She leads me into the living room. "Pick a movie before James does."

I look at their collection and pick out Where The Wild Things Are. She gets excited and goes to make popcorn. I look around, finding Carmen sitting on the black couch lazily. "She has been excited."

The girl nods, looking up from her phone for a second. "Yeah. I don't think James will be as excited with three girls."

I smile and sit on the opposite side of the couch. "I wish I had siblings. Maybe this would be easier." So much has happened this month that I kind of shut down and focused only on school. I wish I had the distraction of siblings.

Carmen nods, understanding. "It does make it easier."

I'm a little confused by her confession before I notice Nina nor Carmen has ever mentioned a parent. Looking around now, I don't see any photos of a mother or a father. Just Carmen and her siblings here and there. I wonder where they are, but it doesn't look like the teen needs any help. Maybe mentally.

Nina comes back in just as I open my mouth to reply. She sits in between us and holds the hot popcorn. The movie starts and we all get quiet. James, the youngest of them at 9, comes in and sits at Carmen's feet. He's adorable with large hazel eyes, soft caramel skin, and lots of cornrows recently done. He doesn't say anything when he comes in, but he occasionally touches Carmen's leg as if he's making sure she's there.

I sit through the movie occasionally taking popcorn to make Nina happy and throwing small glances Carmen's way to admire her. I feel like she saw or felt me looking at her because she lifts her head a couple times and meets my eyes. I run a hand through my hair, tugging a bit to get the knots out to break the tension. I look back over at her through the corner of my eye and smile a little when I see her doing the same thing with her shaven hair.

After the movie ends Nina stands, taking the empty bowl to the kitchen and returning with more energy than she left with. I move my legs just as she lands on the couch. I look at James to see him staring at me. I look at Carmen who is on her phone. I turn back to the 16-year-old girl. "What now?"


"It's getting late. We have a big day tomorrow. Say goodnight to Carson," Carmen stands, James standing too.

"Awe, Car. Can't she stay for another hour?"

"I'm sure she has better things to do, Nina. Let her go home."

James follows her to the door, his hand reaching out slowly to grab her arm since all she has on is a sports bra. Carmen doesn't flinch or shake him off when he presses into her side. I smile at them and say bye to Nina. "See you soon. Thank you, Carmen, see you at school. Bye James."

I leave and go home.

Caramel PopcornNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ