Tomato 12/23/18

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Dear Tomato Mafia,

It's been a couple weeks I guess since the troubling news. We've, me and my mom, have gotten into a sort of routine; wake up, get ready for school, cook for mom, give her medicine, go to school, make dinner, check the mail for dad, give her medicine, go to bed, repeat.

I hate looking after her knowing she's going to die, but what else can I do?

School has been easier since I put it at the back of my mind. I guess Nina has told Carmen something (she doesn't know about the whole AID thing) because the queen hasn't been talking to me. Even her posse hasn't messed with me.

I'm on winter break right now so I'm hoping David will come home to his wife and kid long enough to hear the news. Mom told him it's urgent but won't tell him until he's physically here. I agree with this since it leaves little room for him to run quickly.

I have to go make dinner.

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