Tomato 01/21/19

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Dear Tomato Mafia,

I've finally been texting Carmen since last week. The whole incident has brought us a little closer together. She understands that I will take any chance to get out of the house and has been inviting me to her place almost every day. Her boys, Justin and Warren, have been pretty chill too since she's changed. They don't mock me or make moves on me anymore.

School has been easier since the second semester has started.

Oh yeah, I have to go, Car is here.

LOL- Spen

Taking my purse, I run downstairs to greet her at the door. She smiles at me and takes my bag, slinging it over her shoulder. I lock the door and follow her down the street. "Looks nice on you." I gesture to my light purple bag.

"Thanks, I got it recently," she walks slower so I can keep up. "Your hair looks nice."

I touch it, feeling the poofy mass. "So does yours."

Her hair is growing in slowly and she's formed it into sexy waves. We get to her house and Nina opens the door for us. The energetic 16-year-old steps back to let me in before crushing me with a hug. "Pen!"

"Nee!" I hug her back then let her go to do whatever it is she does. I peer around the couch to see the little brother. "Hey, James. I got you something." Today is his birthday. I reach into my purse still on Carmen's shoulder and pull out a large crossword puzzle book. I hand it to him and stand back, smiling.

He takes it and smiles at me, showing his sisters. Carmen lays a gentle hand on my shoulder and leans in, "Thank you."

"No need," I give her a quick smile and go to sit on the couch next to him as he works through three puzzles already.

I go home after dinner with Carmen. She stops at my doorstep and watches me unlock the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure you won't let me drive you?"

"Maybe another time," she hesitates before stepping away from me and walking away.

I shake my head and run to catch up with her. She turns around just as I jump into her arms, hugging her. "I'll hold you to that."

She catches me, hesitantly hugging back before letting me go. "I don't doubt it."

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