2- Him

30 7 2

<Lewis Davis>

At night I can't close my eyes. I keep thinking of him. Him. He's out there, just where?

Where is my soulmate? Who am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with? Is he nice? Is he aggressive? Is he heartless?

Should it matter though? I've already've been destined to him. Do I need to love him? I mean, he is my soulmate. He's the friend of the soul. Our souls are supposed to be connected as one. So where is he? Where is my prince?

Or what if he's a dragon?

Maybe he'll protect me from others, and blow fire at the ones who might endanger me. He's tough on the outside, scaley, and rough. But in the inside, he's warm and caring. He'll do anything to shield me. No matter if he has to keep me locked up in a high tower far away. I wouldn't mind being locked up. As long as I'm not alone, I'd feel safe.

If he is a prince, would he come to rescue me? Would he guarantee to slay all of my dragons? He could be soft. His skin, silky and nurturing like a mother, and his passionate smile as he draws his sword to ensure the dragon that I am his. Will he climb every brick that's locking me in there? Will he walk to my bed as I lay waiting for my prince in shining armor to awake me from my everlasting slumber? Will he cast the curtain aside exposing myself at my endless sleep? Will he lean in for my true love's kiss, and raise me from my repose? Will his eyes meet mine, and our hands' touch, causing our lips to be irresistible?

What do I want more? A prince or a dragon? A knight and shining armor protecting till his dying breath or beast willingly give his loyalty to me? I don't know what I want. Who I want. Maybe that's why somebody's decided that for us.

I think it's incredible that we were born with telepathy. It's gonna be so much easier to find the one we're supposed to be with. It's slightly comforting.

Sometimes I hear his voice. Small conversations. Small reminders to give this man named Thomas his coffee stirred completely black, every Monday morning. Tiny mental pep talks that he can make the deadline, hell he can make it before December 6th. He's got this. I know he does.

It really makes me believe in love. That's the scary thing about growing up, who am I going to spend the rest of my life with? Who's going to go grocery shopping with me? Who's going to remind me to grab the wheat bread and the white bread at the bakery? Who's going to go with him, shopping for ugly Christmas sweaters for his annual Christmas Eve party? Who will put on the red apron and open the oven to reveal his surprise cake for his birthday? 


It's going to be me. But first, I need to find him before it.

He can hear me, he has to. Maybe not all the time, but certainly. I've tried thinking as hard as I can to reach him. The only thing that I can't figure out is how to talk to him. It's like sending letters across the world to only receive a letter back, not recognizing what've I sent, what've I asked, and realization.

What if he can hear me? What if he wants to respond, but he's just like me, he can't. He would if he could, right? He likes me back, he has to. Why am I freaking out? Somebody chose us to be with each other. Forever.

But why?

Are we meant to be? Are there similarities between us? What if there are too many differences between him and me? What if he doesn't like wheat bread dipped in oatmeal or cakes with green frosting on them? What if he's a gluten-free kind of guy, or doesn't like sweets at all? What if...

What if he's not the one?

No, no, I can't think like this. He's definitely the one. If he weren't the one, then why can I hear him? Why can I hear his simple reminders? His small pep talks? His sweet internal sighs of relief when he doesn't spill the coffee all over his brand new black slacks? How come it's audible? How come I fall deeper in love with him?

Him. Why do I love him? Is it his voice? Is it his tenderness when talks inside his mind? Is it the unsureness when he approaches his boss? Or maybe his appreciation towards small things? Like...like...yellow wicker baskets. Like soft teddy bears or warm blankets.

What does he remind me of? Why am I head over heels for someone so sensitive?

"I wonder if  Callie got those papers yet. I'm glad I stayed up all night working on work for that deadline. Lucky for me, I'm a week and a half early."

There's that voice again. That compassionate voice. Every time I hear him talking, I feel slightly tranquil with myself. It's calming, like a hot bath. Like falling into his arms, during a cold, brisk night.

I kept distracting myself as I waited for that damn car to inch forward. The cars were backed up for what seems for miles. Fortunately, I'm the second car behind the traffic light. Unfortunately, the guy in front of me is a complete dunce.

The light turned green and my anger released when he didn't move and the cars behind me started honking. "I swear to the wonders of insanity and back, I will start screaming if this oaf won't get off his phone! THE LIGHT'S GREEN, GO!" I shouted at my windshield. I'm new to this damn city and these stupid new drivers.

Finally, the man stepped on the gas, letting the rest of us poor souls exit the lane. I murmured to myself, "Now where's that darn superstore. Man, this city is bloody confusing."

All the frustration freed my body when I was moving again, because:

I'm getting closer to my soulmate day by day.

It's all for him.


Doesn't this chapter just make you love struck? Have you guys ever been in love? I haven't, but that's because I'm heartless. But I'm not doing bad for somebody that's never been in love, let alone a relationship. You gotta give me extra points for writing romance for the incapable.

If you're a smart cookie, and you realized, 'hey! Aren't those two dialogues from the previous chapter in the view of Matthew Erwin?' yes sir/ma'am. If you didn't realize that, whoops. Appreciate my hint, thanks.

I want to give a big thank you to you guys for sticking around to read this heartfelt chapter. Don't know when I'm going to update again? HAHA ME NEITHER. <JUst kidding, I'm starting to get ahead> Go ahead follow me for the latest news and postpones, comment because I'm going to be forever alone and I need to smile once and a while, and vote because: why not? Thanks, guys, love ya!


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