5- The Man on the Train

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<Matthew Erwin>

She shrugged her shoulders and pushed up her glasses. "Guess you're not anymore."


I'm not straight anymore? Haha, she doesn't get to decide that, right?

I leaned in, face to face, "there must be a mistake, maybe she's just has a deeper voice, a deep, British voice," I reassured myself, intending to make myself clear as possible. I patted my thighs twice then stood up, planning on making a leave.

"Oh, Mr. Erwin," her stern voice rang.

I turned my head, "hm?"

She grinned mischievously, "let me know what he says next." Her tone blew away my opinion and proved that she was right. The voice inside my mind, unfortunately, is a man, I have to admit. But why? I like women! Their beautiful curves and luscious hair, their plump lips...I like women!

Maybe there's a chance I could be bisexual, but even then, men aren't on my plate! I am a heterosexual male that is searching for the one FEMALE to spend the rest of my life with, start a family, and not be GAY.

I'm not a homophobe, I support gay rights. Heck, I attended a Gay Pride rally a few years ago. My brother's homosexual and I support him, I encourage it actually. But I don't support myself becoming homosexual. Why? Because I'm gay-

HETEROSEXUAL, I meant I'm straight. Why can't I get this through my head?

A few hours after my disturbing physiatrist 'appointment', my work day was over. It was time to head home and get some dinner. I'm no cook, but my turkey-ham sandwiches are pretty elegant tasting. Mmmm. That's all I can think about. Yummy ham, turkey, mayonnaise, pickles, lettuce, and white bread combined together to create the perfect sandwich combo. Nothing can beat a tasty homemade sandwich.

I bought my ticket for the closest arriving subway train and waited. As I waited patiently, I noticed an old man creepily smiling at me. He was walking towards me. Approaching me hastily. His walk was a crooked limp and his teeth that showed were as crooked as his strut, but most of them gold. A gray wooly stocking cap lied on his bald scalp, bouncing slightly each time he sprung a step. Then eventually, his raspy voice spoke, "Hello son, ya mind sparrin' an old man like me for some change?"

I swallowed the saliva in my mouth that rapidly continued to produce. I obviously was anxious. I never know what to do in these sort of situations. Maybe if I give him what he asked for, he won't bother me anymore.

Obediently, I rummaged in my slack's pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. I handed the cash to him and he nodded thankfully. "May yer Christmas be jolly and filled with love," he praised me. Oddly enough, I felt slightly better about myself. I just gave an old hobo some money. I did a random act of kindness. I don't want to toot my own horn, but that was awfully nice of me to do.

Once the train arrived, I felt good vibes. I knew that I did something nice today, and that made me feel accomplished. I stepped onto the crowded subway train, willingly letting other passengers filling up seats. I didn't bother fighting for a seat, this woman and her children needed the last few seats more than I did. Since I was in a merry mood, I didn't let it bother me. I did, however, manage to hold onto one of the standing poles, making sure I don't fall over when the train eventually comes to a halt.

I unzipped my black coat a little because the body heat warmed the room. As I unzipped I noticed a man's eyes following my fingers. He bit his lip.

"My god, that guy in the black looks delicious. If only I could have just a tiny bite, mmm!"

My eyes shifted to the man looking towards me, my face turning a bright red. I-I was becoming flustered. Why should I blush over somebody...

Wait a minute. I could hear that guy's thoughts.

Without thinking, "are you...?" I trailed off mumbling. The man looked me up in the eyes, realizing that I was talking to him. He blushed and then blinked.

He spoke in a charming British accent, "can you? Did you...?" His voice began to squeal. He was grinning widely. His sharp, intense, defined face transformed into a giddy, smiling expression. "You can hear me! It's you!" He exclaimed, his voice higher than I think what was unusual for him. He bounced in place.

I covered my mouth, the color of my face continued to redden. "You're the voice in my head!" I pointed at him stupidly, noticing that his voice matched the voice I hear in my mind.

He nodded with giddy, seemingly excited.

The others in the train looked at us judgingly. If I noticed, I probably could have read everybody's uncomfortable feelings. Although I was too caught up in the moment, the man I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with was standing in front of me, more eager than I was. I was more...dumbstruck.

He continued to jump enthusiastically, then suddenly, the attractive man leaped into my arms. He grasped onto my body, his warmth somewhat enlightened me. Even though I was against the idea of me finding men sexually interesting, I didn't fight the man off me. He seemed too relieved that he found me. Still holding onto me tightly, he whispered deeply in my ear, "I finally found you, my prince. At long last."

A small simper entered me unknowingly, he did make me feel like a prince. A prince that had rescued his damsel in distress from the unwitty beast guarding her. A chill spread throughout my body, reminding me that a fine British man around my age was still hugging me. The man on the train appreciated me like no other.

What is this sensation I'm feeling? It can't be true love at first sight. Obviously, those are just made-up fairy tales to entice children into believing in magic. What an absurd thought, Matthew. My conscience still didn't find an answer to my question. I was left dry.

There was one tiny thought that lingered in my mind...

Oh no, am I gay?


Well, there you have it, folks, the best quote of the year: "Oh no, am I gay?" Haha, that's hilarious. I don't know about you, but I sort of warming up to this quirky Matthew guy. I like his shyness and stubbornness. Maybe his soulmate can seduce him out of it ;)

If you felt this lovey-dovey chapter deserved a thumbs up, slam the vote button and leave a comment about how you feel. Thanks, guys, I hope you have a fantastic Christmas, and a happy holiday. See you next Thursday, bye guys, love ya!


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