10- Two Drunks in Love

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"Oh my god, I can't believe-" Matthew whined, I interrupted him by me pouring John Daly down his throat.

I gulped mine down quickly as I intoxicated him.

I set his glass down, and he hung his head down low. Then he coughed.

"I-I broke the law, oh no. Mom's going to be so ashamed of me," Matthew whimpered, laying his head down on the table.

I instantly felt bad, I just killed the poor boy's morals. Oh god, I violated him. I'm one of those people now, aren't I?

"It's okay, Matthew, I'm sorry. That was a terrible thing for me to do," I hiccuped, trying to cheer him up. Who am I kidding? It's my fault. "Look on the bright side though, you just had your first taste of alcohol, better yet, with me. We just made a memory together!"

Matthew was silent for a second, then he started to laugh softly. He whispered loudly again, "I just broke the law," he wiped his eyes, grinning.

I laughed nervously. "We both did."

He snorted and laughed louder.

Did I get him drunk? Just one small glass of John Daly gets him drunk? That's all it took, really?

The waiter stumbled onto us again and refilled our drinks. I decided that I wasn't hungry, I was having too much fun with my drunk boyfriend.

Matthew continued to laugh, then his head hovered over the table, pushing his drink towards mine. He clinked his drink on mine, then giggled some more, "clink," he squealed in a high pitch. He drank the drink this time, with will too.

I nervously sipped on mine, realizing I encouraged him to chug Vodka. I am such an awful person because I don't feel a tad guilty watching the person I love, get stoned. His face was all flustered, but I could tell he was having a good time. His drunk self made me fall in love with him even more.


Hours pass, we're both drunk. We stumbled out of Heights Avenue laughing our butts off. We were holding each tightly as we walked around the streets. It was dark out, which made it more interesting to find our way back to the subway.

Matthew gasped, "we should do something!" He said slowly, hiccuping too.

"What should we do?" I screeched excitingly.

"We-heh... we," Matthew tripped on his words, "we should do something," he repeated. 

I thought it was hilarious, "you-" I hiccuped, "you said that twice!" I chuckled loudly, pointing out his repetition.

He looked at me and laughed harder.

As we tripped down the sidewalk, I heard a familiar Russian gasp, and muttering of "Lewis, what the hell are you doing?

I looked up to see who it was, however, everything was so blurry and distorted. There were two women, though. One was fairly large, and the other one had short hair and glasses.

"Scuse us, pretty ladies," Matthew snorted as we continued to walk. The large woman grabbed hold of Matthew's shoulders, slowing him down. Matthew didn't seem to mind it.

But I did. "Don't touch my bloody boyfriend," I howled, trying to pick a fight with the large woman. The other woman with the glasses flicked my forehead, surprisingly causing me to fall onto the ground. Before I blacked out all I remember hearing was "we should probably call a cab, and take them to our place."

It had to be the morning after last night when I woke up with a throbbing headache. I was lying on a couch, and Matthew was still sleeping on the one across the room. He had a blanket wrapped around him, he was snuggled into it. I looked down, noticing I didn't get a blanket. Where the hell were we? And why didn't I get a blanket?

"You're up," a Russian accent spoke behind me, I turned my head to see who it was speaking to me. My vision was still blurry but I could tell who was standing in the kitchen, Belka.

She softly smiled, yet it was an aggressive smile. It felt like she smiling at me because she was about to kill me. That scared me.

"Hi Belka," I said awkwardly, standing up from the couch, waving my hands in the air, "what a pleasant surprise to see you!"

"Sit down," she commanded me without hesitation. Oh lord, she is going to kill me. I am a dead man.

Belka looked down at me, I thought the veins in her forehead were going to pop. She clicked her heels into the hardwood floor, creating dominance. This is it, that is the last thing I'm going to hear before she kills me.

"Lewis," her jaw tightened, she approached me boldly; as I said, I'm a dead man, "that's Matthew lying on my sofa, right?"

I nodded my head dumbly. I turned my gaze to Matthew sleeping soundly on the couch across from me. He was snuggled into the blanket, looking comfortable and cozy as if the world didn't matter to him. I wish I was the blanket. 

Belka sighed, sounding like she was relieved. I raised my eyebrow in question, and she waved it.

"Lewis, last night, my children were asking who were these two men that were dragged into our home. Now your soul mate was still conscious, yet drunk! And he answered for me. Do you know what he said to my children?" Belka's volume raised by each word she over-annunciated.

"Well if I was the unconscious one, then no, I don't remember," I commented sarcastically. I wish I didn't say anything. I just angered the angry Russian pregnant lady that was practically my boss.

"He told my children, 'you are the sweetest things I've ever seen, maybe I should have some of you,' one of them cried, Lewis!" Belka screeched at me. The vein in her forehead popped. "My wife-my wife was about to kill him!"

Eeek, Matthew's a dead man. Maybe he wasn't sleeping on the couch.

"Why are you yelling at me then?" I screeched back to defend myself.

"He's your boyfriend!"

"Technically, no he isn't!"

"If I didn't stop you two stumbling down the street at two in the morning, you would have probably stuck your tongue down his throat!" She slapped her finger on my nose, punishing me, "oh, and by the way, I could smell John Daly, I'm Russian! I know what vodka and lemonade smell like!" Belka shrieked, insulting her own race.

"You never tasted vodka once!"

"My father did!"

This was a disaster. I felt like a child that hit a kid during school and my mother was disciplining me. "Belka, I'm sorry that we got carried away, but we were having fun," my voice softened, "I finally met my soul mate, and he turned out to be straight, I'm trying my best, you understand, right?"

Belka sighed once more, yet this time, I don't think she was going to scream at me. Then, she genuinely smiled at me, and nodded her head, replying to my question.

"After you passed out from my wife flicking you on the forehead, which by the way was humorous, Matthew cried," she eyed the floor.


"I knew deep down he liked you because I wasn't the one that carried you into the cab and inside my home, nor was my wife," she added.

I blushed, a small grin was painted on my face. He really liked me. I can't believe-

He really likes me.


Awww! See, the love is beginning to blossom. Isn't that just sweet? Oh, guess what, we're 10 chapters in. Whoo hoo!


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