8- The Plan of the Christmas Party

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<Lewis Davis>

"Then it's settled: Christmas Eve, I would like you and your spouse to attend the annual Sagé Comix Christmas party. It will take place here in the lobby this year. Thanks to Humes and his crew for volunteering, they will be decorating for 2018. I'll make sure that you and your boys will get an extra nice bonus," Mariah Parker, the boss of the whole company, said cheerfully. Everybody cheered or groaned in dread, there were only two types of people in this word, the people that love Christmas or the people who hated it. I absolutely love Christmas, it's my most favorite holiday.

"Can't believe it's that time 'gain, y'know?" Mac, my best friend, said. Belka crossed her arms, squinting in confusion. She had a difficult time understanding what he had said. Mac has a southern accent, also, he slurs a lot of his words, ultimately, someone who's second language is English can have a hard time understanding slurred words. 

"I agree, Mac," Belka finally figured out what Mac had said and then turned to me in realization, "oh, that's right! Lewis, it is your first Christmas here, correct?"

I nodded in confirmation. 

Her face beamed with excitement, "will you bring...er...Matthew?" She hesitated to say Matthew's name, checking with herself that Matthew was the right name.

"I don't know, we barely know each other if I'm being honest," I said negatively. It was true, I don't think Matthew's really into me. When I whispered in his ear last week, he seemed to shiver in disgust. I'm glad I had stopped reading his thoughts, it probably would have broken my heart if I heard what he had to think to me.

Belka's expression softened in pity, curling her lip, "oh, don't say such things, my little gay Louie, you will be fine!" Her pity instantly faded away by laughing it off. Mac shook his head, he must agree too, I suppose.

"Lewis, y'know how I got ma girl to be all up in my grill, interested me?" Mac asked me.

"How?" I asked, intrigued.

"Didn't leave her 'lone," he chuckled loudly, "she basically just gave up, and said 'what the hell,' y'know?"

I smiled at his attempt at giving me advice. I understood now, he's just trying to help. I can't blame a man for trying.

"Yeah, I'll try that Mac, thanks," I said, thinking about tackling at his suggestion. 

Belka snorted loudly as she giggled, "Oh Mac, you really know how to make a girl laugh," she grinned ear to ear while rubbing her stomach. "Oh! The baby just kicked," she looked down at her baby bump, surprised.

"Belka, if I didn't know better, I'd think your baby would be a fantastic fútbol player," I snickered, striving to make myself feel joy. Belka, again, just grinned, nodding her head in agreement. I could tell she was really excited about her first biological child. Even though he would be raised without a father, I think her son will turn out to be an amazing person. I just can't wait to meet him.

Speaking about fathers, sometimes, I wish I was raised without one. To be honest, I wish I was born into another family. My mother, well, it's not that she was a bad parent, she just didn't care. Sometimes I think that she only married my father and gave birth to me and my siblings were because of the money my father had. I have to admit, my mother tended to be a bit of a gold digger.

Oh and my father, ugh, him. I absolutely hate him. And he feels the same way, so does his side of the family. Want to know why? It's pretty obvious, as I know, I'm interested in men. My father, my father's side of the family were utterly disgusted with me. They stopped taking me to church and forced me not to pray along with them when somebody passed away or thanking God for their meal. Oh, and on Christmas! Don't get me started on what they did to me on Christmas!

Since, apparently, sinning from the bible for taking in interest in men was so distasteful, they would not allow me to celebrate Christmas with them ever since I was thirteen. I wouldn't get a single present, I wasn't allowed to have any food from the feast, well except the leftovers on their stupid china plates. They would tell me that Christmas was the day of Jesus and Jesus revolted homosexuals (I replaced a not so nice word with something more Christian like.)

It still bothers me to this day how hateful my father and his family were. It's a surprise that I love Christmas to most people when they hear my history. However, just because I've had bad experiences with certain days doesn't mean it will be bad forever. I have to look on the bright side.

Wait-the bright side! That's it! I just need to look positively with Matthew and I's future together. I know I can't force it, but if I nudge him towards our fate, I'm sure we'll be together forever.

Can you hear me, Matthew? I said, if nudge you towards our fate, I'm sure we'll be together forever. FOREVER, Matthew!

No instant reply.

"Oh hey Lewis, I'm a bit busy right now, but can we chat later? Well, actually, I was hoping to meet up with you, the same place sound good?" Matthew responded telepathically.

I bounced excitingly, he wants another date! Oh goody!

Yeah, of course! See you later, Matthew~ I cooed internally.

I can't believe he wants another date! I thought our first one didn't go out so well, I thought he'd never want to ever talk to me again. Thank God I'm wrong though!


Oh ho ho, Lewis is going to so get some ;)

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