18- Matthew's Father

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<Lewis Davis>

We sat down in the taxi, I was curious to see what his parents looked like and who they were.

"My mom's name is Nina. My dad's name is Chase. I have a sister that's seventeen, her name is Angela," Matthew mumbled, his eyes were dull. He lost color in his face, it was like he saw a ghost.

"I'm excited to meet them," I said, trying to regain the color in his eyes.

"I," he hesitated, "I haven't told them about you or the telepathic thing," he sighed in disappointment, "I'm sorry."

"Matthew, I haven't told my parents about you either," I smiled at my lap.


"I'm not exactly in the best terms with my parents. I'm basically disowned," I chuckle.

"Are you serious?" He asked with concern.

"So your parents were marathon runners?" I change the topic hastily, I don't want to get into this with Matthew right now.

"Yeah, Mom was like a pro," he glanced back at the window, reminiscing the past.

His eyes grew dull again, "look I'm sorry about your dad. That must have been hard," I place my hand on his knee, trying to comfort him.

Matthew sniffled and wiped his eyes, he must have been crying. I feel bad for not noticing.

"We're here," he said, opening the door.
Before Matthew paid the driver, I swooped in, paying, "what? You paid for the subway ticket!" I winked.

We stepped out of the taxi, we both coincidentally paused, taking it all in.

It was a small but tall two story house with old blue siding. The fence surrounding the property was falling apart, I could tell the house had better days.

The front door was a dark brown, like the fence.

"Are you ready?" I turn to Matthew. He gazed down at his shoes, staring into space.

"Matthew?" I try again.

Like a snap, he clicks back into reality, "what?" He returns to focus.

"Are you ready?" I ask once more.

He sharply inhaled and then sighed, closing his eyes.

This house must give him bad memories. I can tell he's hesitant towards stepping inside his negative teenagehood reminder.

Finally, he nodded, "I'm ready, let's do this." He pops his neck, preparing for the worst.

He didn't really mention to me what was going on because we passed out on the train and the taxi ride was silent. I hope he didn't receive bad news.

I marched behind him, anxious to meet his family.

He knocks on the door, his eyes staring straight into the peephole.

Suddenly, the door jerks, then rapidly swings open.

There stood a woman with chocolate brown hair, resembling to Matthew. She had a tan complexion and wore shiny lip gloss. I assume it was his sister since she seemed young.

However if I remember right, he mentioned she was seventeen. The big thing that brought attention to Angela was her screaming blue eyes and massive baby bump. She must be a cheerleader in trouble.

"Matt!" She squealed, excited to see him, she jumped onto him, embracing him tightly.

He wore a half smile on his face.

She maked eye contact with me. I repeat, she noticed me. Retreat boys! Retreat!

Matthew snickers under his breath, hearing me panic internally.

"Who's this?" She glances at me and then back at him.

"This is Lewis, Lewis, this is Angela," he introduces me.

"Well come on in, you'll get cold!" She yanks us in. "MOM! MATTHEW'S HERE! AND WITH A FRIEND!" Angela begins screeching to the back of the house.

Friend. Ouch.

A woman walked towards us with a gleaming smile. Matthew must get his grin from his mother because they smile the exact same way.

"I'm glad you made it, and who is this handsome fellow?" She asked Matthew, flattering me as well.

"This is Lewis Davis," he says again. I reached out my hand to shake hers, she firmly grasps it. If I didn't know any better, I was shaking a man's hand.

"You must be Matthew's friend?" She asks politely.

Ugh, there's that stupid word again. No ma'am, I am gay for your son. I'm not his friend but his future husband. Your future son-in-law.

Matthew laughed. He heard me.


"I'll tell you later," Matthew grinned at his mother, "now what's the surprise?"

She waves us to the back of the house, leading the way.

We step into the living room.

Matthew's father was gripped onto a walker, shakily standing. The man wore shorts, revealing prosthetic legs.

Matthew stopped dead in shock. His father smiled at his son with tears in his eyes. Sweat dripped down his worn out face.

Matthew may have his mother's smile, but Matthew had his father's face.

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