Dragonball & Android!Reader

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Requester: heyitsreyk

Note: Hey guys! Yeah I know it's been...months since I last did a request.

Oops. :T!

Anyways! I did this request for my bud @heyitsreyk. I was trying to work on the Jiren x Vegeta! Sister! reader request but ONCE AGAIN I just CANT. WRITE. FOR. JIREN.

And then a lot more other things were going on too so...but uh yeah.

Happy Thanksgiving guys and now you can finally celebrate Christmas. I'm gonna sleep now.

P.S Just to explain somethings Android 22 is you, but that's your name cuz you're an android who thinks of herself more as an android.


You sat on top of the cliff overlooking the city in the far distance, past the thick forest of trees. The sky was perfectly clear with not a single cloud in the world allowing for a perfect view of the beautiful city.

You felt rather sad knowing you'd see it go in the morning.


You let out an artificial sigh and crossed your legs.

"What is it 17?" You said in slight annoyance.

You were enjoying the rather peaceful view and the soothing sounds of the crickets chirping and light bugs flickering.

"You traveled rather far from our original settlement. I was concerned you had attempted to escape me." He answered.

You turned your head to face him, your expression just as calm and cold as his.

"Why would you have such little faith in me 17? You did build me after all. Do you think I wouldn't be as grateful as I am for you giving me life?" You questioned.

"Give you life? You speak as if you were human,"

The android narrowed his eyes suspiciously. You kept eye contact as you stood and faced him.

"I am not human 17, I am an android just like you. I am merely metal and wires and gears. Nothing deeper than that."

"Good. We will continue our attacks on the city below in a few hours. It's more fun when the general public is rushing too and fro similar to sheep. The brainless creatures." He scoffed.

"Are you will to join me back to the settlement or not?"

"I wish to remain here for a while. I do enjoy the view."

Android 17 narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but flew off to leave you alone as you requested.

You turned your attention back onto the city.

Were humans truly as brainless as he described?

Similar to the Earth animal Ovis Aries?

You were rather curious.

You were only a month old, yet 17 built you as a nineteen year old human female.

You were curious how the average human nineteen year old female would behave. You never truly interacted with humans--unless one would count killing them as an interaction. Though that was not the interaction you were craving.

You finally decided to satisfy your curiosity and traveled into the city. You landed in an alley way on the far edges of the city to not alert any government or the public. You stepped out into the sidewalk and were rather surprised.

So many people traveling up and down the streets in crowds. Some holding hands. Some on their phones. Some in a hurry. Others taking their time. On the main roads was humans driving automobiles. Many were of the same color and design known as a "Taxi".

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