Chapter 1: Rainbow Cavern

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"So this is the cave, yeah? should be an easy job." I inspected the cave entrance, it was surrounded by rocks. More specifically, rainbow rocks, they changed color. They were what the cave, Rainbow Cavern, was named after. I was here with my team mates and best friends, Mike and Joshua (I nicknamed him Jay, since he painted a jay bird on the inside of his house). We were a Pokemon rescue team, called the Gamechasers. The name doesn't have any special meaning, we just think it sounds cool.I was a Flygon, the leader of the team. Mike was a Garchomp and held the position of scout. He would run ahead of us and scout out the scene and alert of us any danger through a magic radio he acquired somehow. He never told us where he got it, they were extremely rare to come by. Jay was a Hydreigon and was basically my right-hand man, but he also planned missions and found the easiest routes to take. He had great knowledge of the region's geography as well. Together, we fight crime and rescue innocents from danger. I had first met Mike in a Pokemon Flight Competition. He nearly beat me, but I had whipped up a sandstorm to block his sight. We've known eachother ever since then, and shortly after he introduced me to Joshua, and we got along instantly. It was my idea originally to become a rescue team and Jay went along with it. Mike took a little convincing, but we got him to join us eventually. We've been a rescue team for about a year now, but we are still junior rank. Nonetheless we are still pretty well known. In the western part of the region, anyway. All was going well with the team until recently an evil gang, a cult probably, sprang up and has been wreaking havoc. That's why we are at Rainbow Cavern, we planned to capture one of the members and interrogate them. They didn't have an official name, but people call them the Dodgers. They always seem to avoid battle and contact with anyone not inside their group.

"So Zena, do you even have a plan here?" Mike questioned.

"Yeah, of course I do. They avoid battle and tend to avoid capture easily, right? That means they're either really speedy or are magic users." (magic, in this case, being psychic or ghost type attacks). "So, i bought a bunch of slow orbs and magic defense potions to use against them. If they can't be caught, we'll just rely on our own skill to capture one of them." I finished explaining.  

"Wait, how did you even get magic defense potions? Aren't those illegal?" Jay asked, concerned. "Well, yes, but I know a guy. Plus they look like every other potion thats legal, so the authorities won't be able to recognize it, anyway." This seemed like a reasonable answer and Mike asked if we've got our magic radios on. Me and Jay said yes simultaneously, (we do that often, great minds think alike we always say) and Mike sprinted off down the cave. He had a Choice Scarf, obtained from a Treasure Box he found in a dungeon. This made him extremely fast, however he was restricted to only one move, unless he took it off.

Jay and I entered the cave after Mike, and the cavern was brutal. It was very hard to naviagate the first few floors, the walls and floors changed colors. It was nauseating and we bumped into eachother and the walls often. Jay even threw up, not on me, thank Arceus. Not only was the navigation hard, but fighting the Pokemon there was extremely difficult since we both felt vertigo. Our attacks kept missing and the hostile Pokemon were taunting us. How they were used to the flashing colors of the cave confused me. Well, not as much as i already was, but you get the idea. Eventually we made it to a clearing in the cave, with a Kangaskhan storage statue in the center of it. You could store your items there, and they would appear in the Kangaskhan storage in the local town you live at. Nobody ever knew how those worked, it was just something tacit in the universe. Jay and I decided to rest hear and clear our minds. 

"When I close my eyes, all I see are colors..." Jay complained, rubbing his head.

"Ugh, I know what you mean...I wonder how Mike got through this cave so fast. Surely he hit his head a few times." I responded, chuckling at the thought.

As if Mike had heard us, the Magic Radio sounded. 

"Mike!" Jay and I said in unison. 

"Mike, are you okay? Have you spotted anything dangerous?" I asked eagerly. 

"I'm fine, and yes, I've spotted something. At the end of this dungeon, theres a horde of honchkrow. It looks like they were all forced to come here. There is a Dragonite and an Arcanine here, I think they're behind this. Members of the Dodgers, I'm sure." There was a pause, before he continued explaining. "Okay, I've listened a little more. They're recruiting members, but I think one spotted me. I'm going to head back to the clear-" There was a thud and the line went dead. 

"Oh no..." Jay said. Adrenaline racing through us, we quickly ran into the next half of the cave, looking for Mike.

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