Chapter 4: Chaos God Attracts Chaos!

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Note: Garchomp can fly, in the anime at least, he like folds into a jet, also its gen 4 pokedex entry states several times that it can fly. 

Zena's POV

"So, why are we going to the Time Stamp again? Mike asked, groggy from sleep as we made our way to the coastline. Jay was ignoring us, staring at a map. We set off a few hours after Jay secured the house, the Time Stamp was across a large ocean, but renting a boat would be too expensive we decided. We could all fly, and there was alot of islands we could rest on inbetween the West and the East, so we decided to take to the air.  Jay had planned two stops for the whole expedition. One on Talon City, which was on the Southern half of Andhoris. That's what the west part of the world was called, the Eastern half was named Vanaheimr. The 'r' is silent. The second stop would be in Post town, but that's only if we were too tired to go on, since our destination wasnt far from it.

"Well, we arent actually going to the Time Stamp. But if they attacked the Time Stamp, they must be trying to summon Dialga. But what would someone want with Dialga? He would never send someone back in time or forward in time." I explained. "So, the only other reason someone would want to summon Dialga would to be to summon him along with Palkia. And when both Palkia and Dialga are summoned, you know who appears, right? 

"Giratina..." Mike said in a quiet voice.

"Bam! Exactly. So, we're going to head over to Palkia's Fortress or whatever it's even called, and ambush the criminals there." I finished explaining.

"This sounds like a really bad plan. How do you even know they're trying to summon Giratina?" Mike pressed.

"Well, we don't know for sure. But does anybody know anything for sure? It's just a hunch!" I responded. (I heard Mike mumble 'I know for sure you guys suck.' in response.)

"Plus, it'll be fun! When was the last time we went on an expedition to Vanaheimr anyway?" Jay said, closing the map.

"Well, here we are! Leaf Green Town pier." Jay announced. The air was thick with the scent of salt water, and we were all itching to take to the air.

"Okay, before we take off- ground rules. Well, air rules, in this case.

1. Stay together.

2. No fake drowning. 

3. Tell us if you see something dangerous. That's all I can think of."

"Yeah yeah yeah, lets just take off!" I said.

"On three! One..." Jay started counting. We all readied to take off.

"Two..." We all glanced at eachother. And of course, I got a devious plan.

"TOO SLOW! SEE YA LATER NERDS! HAHA" I yelled, taking off before Jay hit three.

Mike and Jay followed after me, laughing. Jay eventually went ahead of me so we could follow him, since he knew the route we were taking.

We were halfway there when it all went to hell.

Chaotic GoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang