Chapter 21: What A Day

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Zena's POV

        A blue creature with clawed feet, a diamond in its chest and spines coming out of its back emerged from the blue portal. At the same time, a pink creature came out of the pink portal with a pearl on each one of its shoulders that stood on two legs, unlike the blue one. They both looked baffled by the situation. The green serpent that came out of god knows where let out a roar/screech and the dark clouds in the sky crackled. Man, I hope these guys are on our side. Actually, that reminds me. Where are Nick and Demetrius? I wonder if they fled. I glanced around, and spotted Nick hovering beside Giratina's head. Demetrius was still on the ground, he should get up here and help us.

"Giratina! Do not stop! These intruders mean nothing! In fact, kill them!" Clandestine ordered. Giratina did as he was told. His entire body glowed for a moment, and limbs grew from the sides. His wings changed into actual wings and not sort-of claws, and the spikes on his side disappeared. His great tail shone a dark violet, and it swung in the direction of the blue creature. 

"Dialga! Watch out!" A voice said. It appeared to be Rayquaza, although his mouth wasnt moving. Telepathy perhaps? Dialga was too slow to dodge however, and he was hit square in the neck.  I expected to hear a bone snap, but Dialga only crashed into the ground. He quickly recovered though, and he roared.

"Giratina! What are you doing?! Stop this!" He bellowed. Giratina aimed a Shadow Ball at him, but this one he dodged swiftly. This was when Palkia spoke.

"Dialga, Rayquaza," He started through telepathy, "Giratina is not doing this of his own will. He is under mind control. His eyes are meant to be red, not green. A sign of black magic. Who is responsible for this?" He looked at each of us in the eye. Boy was it scary being looked in the eye by a god. Finally, all three gods looked at Clandestine, who had fear in her eyes.

"Was it you who has done this?" Rayquaza asked as he fixed Clandestine with an icy glare.

"Yes! It was!" Demetrius spoke from somewhere- where was he? I looked around, Nick was carrying him over to a series of raised columns emerging from the ground made of ice. LoveGame must have made it for him. "Clandestine has done nothing but cause trouble for us! She's using Giratina to reset the world!" He explained. That was when Giratina smacked Rayquaza down with an unsuspecting Dragon Claw from behind. He went down with a screech. Giratina had him pinned down, and he was squirming under his grasp. Rayquaza had almost as much power as Giratina though, and he blasted a Hyper Beam in his face. There was an explosion, a roar, and a lot of smoke. When it cleared, Rayquaza was wrapped around Giratina's neck, but Giratina quickly shook him off. Palkia went over to grab Clandestine, and he spoke to us.

"I will take this one to be punished." His pink portal opened once more, and he disappeared inside of it.

Dialga went to fight Giratina with Rayquaza. I felt awkward just hovering there, so I flew over to help him. 

"Zena! Let's use our combined attack!" Jay called to me. He flew over to me, and we set off several combined attacks that hit Giratina square in the face, but they didn't do much damage. Everybody else was attacking Giratina as well, including the two deities, but Giratina shook off all of the attacks easily. With nobody to give him commands, he's just going to go wild, I realized. He attacks everybody at once with a spinning Dragon Tail, and everybody got sent into the ground like flies. We were, basically, compared to Giratina's size. It hurt to move- there were Pokemon shaped indents in the ground when I forced my wings to move. Everybody looked like they couldn't go on for much longer. Dialga and Rayquaza attacked with Dragon Pulses and other attacks, but the most they did was simply blind him temporarily.Why weren't our attacks doing anything? It made no sense at all! Suddenly, a light bulb appeared over my head. 

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