Chapter 7: Kakuna Ratatta, It Means No Worries

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Zena's POV

A bright light shone from where our combined attack hit Meloetta. I was immobilized by fear, and I assumed Jay was as well, because he wasnt doing anything. A fierce wind blew away the sandstorm, much to my surprise.  Meloetta was hovering above the ocean, was it Meloetta? I wasn't even sure if it was her. Her hair was in an orange turban-looking thing. She also adorned a black skirt, but it looked more like black flower petals. Her eyes were also a pale pink now. Something clicked in my head.

"Jay...didn't Austin say that she was a master in special and physical attacks?" I said, my voice wavering.

Jay opened his mouth to respond, but a flash of orange and black hit him repeatedly with a Close Combat. I blasted Meloetta with a flamethrower, but it did virtually nothing. unaffected...? I thought to myself, in awe at Meloetta's strength. I was about to use Flamethrower again, but thought against it, since it would obviously be pointless. Jay got pummeled into the ocean with a large splash. I was about to dive into the water to save him like he did with me, but Meloetta already hit me with several Acrobatics. The last thing I thought before I was knocked out was Shit. I'm vulnerable. 

Mike's POV

Meloetta apparently forgot that I existed, because after Jay and Zena got hit into the ocean, she flew off with an evil grin. I wonder if I should go after them... I pondered this for a few seconds. Nah, I'm sure they'll be rescued by an Alomomola or somethin'. I decided to chase after Meloetta instead, but she became invisible.  She was probably too quick for me, even with my Choice Scarf anyway. I turned around to fly back to where my comrades fell into the ocean, but then I got a sinking feeling. I have no idea where the hell I am.

I nearly shed tears at the thought of losing my friends. Maybe I did, but I probably wouldn't have admitted it at the time. (woah, dejavu)

"Guys‽ Zena! Jay‽  Oh Arceus please don't be dead...Please don't be dead...Please don't..!" 

About an hour later, I decided panicking is probably the worst thing to do when you're lost and seperated from your comrades. (Words from Zena) I calmed myself down, and planned the next course of action. Suddenly, I remembered the magic radio I had on me (how does this thing still even work? It's been stepped on and drenched in water at least five times). I facepalmed, and switched it on. 

"Hello?? Are you guys alive? Please be alive..."

I only heard static. That could just mean they're knocked out. Yeah, they're probably still knocked out. I turned the radio off, and decided to fly to the nearest landmass. I picked a random direction, and headed there. Fortunately, it wasn't long before I reached land. I walked for a while on sharp grass and stone until I reached a small town called Post Town. It looked lively and welcoming, but not even the happy vibe the place radiated couldn't lift me mood. I was worried sick about my comrades. I checked in to a small hotel (which doubled as a rather popular Cafe) called Swanna's Cafe. I didn't have any appetite (a symptom of anxiety, Jay once told me.), so I just crashed on one of the beds. I was asleep before you could say Raxicoricofallapatorius.

Joshua's POV

I opened my eyes slowly to see a dark blue lake and a ray of light shining down on it, making it sparkle. The previous events that happened before now flooded my mind, and I groaned. I stood up to find I was lying down on cold rock floor, with Zena not far from me to the left. I took in my surroundings to find a large circular cavern, with the lake taking up half of the space. Zena stood up as well, yawning. 

"So...where do you think Mike is?" Zena said, her voice hoarse. I wonder how long we were knocked out?

Before I could respond, an Ice Beam came out from the lake, writing a message on the wall that read NERDS. Zena was startled at the sound and jumped with a squeal.

"Who's there? Don't eat us, we're not tasty!" Jay called out with a grin. Suddenly, a voice spoke out.

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