Chapter 3: Out of Place

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It's true, that it kicks you in the teeth when you are least expecting...

Bad News...

That it beats you black and blue before you see it coming...

Bad News...

The voice sang would be calming if I wasn't drowning in my self pity at the moment.

What? Is that me? Am I talking to myself...

I opened my eyes to the thatched roof I had gotten so used to seeing. It was like a safety blanket...except it was a roof. I don't remember my dream, but I bet it had something to do with a Noctowl. I thought to myself. I had woken up before Jay and Mike, so I took the time to stretch and go outside and enjoy the cool breeze. I love mornings more than night, but only if I'm alone. I hardly ever wake up this early, so it was a blessing to be alone in the cold breeze. Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice the Honchkrow snoozing by my house entrance. Yup. I'm not aware of it.

Snapped out of my thoughts by a soft snoring, I noticed a small Honchkrow snoozing by my house entrance! I just kind of stare at him for a minute, wondering if he can feel me staring in his sleep. Realizing he must be cold, I nudge him awake. His eyes flare open immediately, and I recognize him as the Honchkrow held captive...kind of... in Rainbow Cavern. 

Suddenly feeling tired, I breathed in a large sigh and motioned him inside. He got up slowly followed with his eyes half open, he must still be groggy. Jay and Mike were still asleep...I chuckled evily."Cover your ears, Austin." I whispered with a cheshire cat grin. He did so, with curious eyes.I inhaled as much oxygen as my lungs could hold, and yelled,


Mike's POV

"WAKE THE HELL UP PEASANTS! YOU HAVE A GUEST!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Suddenly my whole body felt warm and I recognized the feeling. Ah, yes. Anger.

"ZENA what in the name of ARCEUS was that for?! I need my beauty sleep, y'know!" I yelled. I grabbed a potted plant to my left and threw it at Zena, but she dodged quickly."Woah woah hey, no need to get physical here!" She said with a shit-eating grin. I looked over to see Jay staring at nothing in particular, but his eyes wide open in surprise. He didn't seem angry...Jay never seemed angry. Only disappointed or happy, never anything else. He once told us that he used to be depressed, but never told us why. Zena warned me not to push it, but I didn't see why not. She always did say I was ignorant of other's emotions, but I never thought about it.

I yawned loudly and figured I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I got up. I then noticed the small bird Pokemon hiding behind Zena.

"Hey, who's the small fella?" Mike asked, gesturing to Austin.

"What?! I'm not small! I'm big for my species!" The Honchkrow said loudly, puffing his chest. He looked about 4'2", but he was still tiny compared to us. Height wise, Mike was the biggest out of all of us, standing at 6'3". Jay was 6'1" and Zena was just 6'. Zena was small for her species, but then again she was still younger than all of us. Jay was bigger than average for his species, and Mike was just average height for his. 

Jay finally got out of bed, rubbing his head and his eyes half closed. He walked to wear Austin and Zena were standing and gave a loud yawn, which everyone copied afterwards. Zena explained that he was Austin from Rainbow Cavern and how he was sleeping outside our entrance.

"So why are you here?" I said, still irritated. 

"Well, while I was being held captive, and I gathered some info about the Dodgers and their boss." He started.

Everyone gathered around him then, and thats when I felt something. Something was off, but I couldn't tell what. My instinct told me to go check outside, but I ignored the feeling.

"Their leader's name is called Meloetta, she's some sort of mythical Pokemon." Austin started. "Said to be extremely powerful too. She has magic and physical powers like no other! A force to be reckoned with, for sure. That's all i know, but I figured it'd help you out big time." He finished. Mike was the first one to speak.

"That's nice, I'm gonna go check our mailbox for stuff. You two talk about things." Mike said, gesturing to Zena and Jay.

I stepped out into the cool breeze and shivered a little. I hated cold weather, heat was my thing. But whatever. I walked over to the mailbox and opened it; there was nothing except the Pokemon News. The headline read "CRIMINALS DESTROY ANCIENT TEMPLE" I wasn't too concerned with the headline, although Jay and Zena certainly would be. I took it back inside and tossed it at Jay, right as Austin announced he was going to take his leave and bade us farewell.

After they had read the article, Zena said "That temple looks like the Time Stamp...the portal into Dialga's realm. They aren't trying to do the unthinkable, are they?" Zena loooked worried. The Time Stamp is a giant obelisk with unown engravings. Not to be confused with unknown gravings. Time Gears are drawn on the sides of said obelisk and haven't been washed away through the assumed millions of years, so people call it the Time Stamp, the mark of the start of Time. The unown engravings on it say 'Those who have truly seen the marks of Time may cross the boundary of Time itself'. Only one Pokemon, a Tyranitar by the name of Zaphiel, has ever crossed through the boundary of Time, but he never tells anyone what it was like. Nobody's offer could sway him, he was dead set on never telling anyone what it was like crossing through Time. 

"Naw, surely they wouldnt do that...the last guys that tried to do that got erased from existence!" Jay said. We all nodded in agreement, that story was pretty awesome. The Unthinkable was an event that played out about 20 years ago. Long story short, some grass pokemon stole all the Time Gears which kept time in place, but he turned out to be stealing them to stop an evil gang that came back in time to paralyze the universe, and then he had to fight Dialga, the God of Time, and...well this will spiral out of control if I go on. The Time Stamp is what powered the Time Gears, since Dialga himself couldn't stay in this dimension and power them. The Time Stamp and Dialga aren't directly connected, and if something was to happen to the Time Stamp Dialga wouldn't really notice. The Time Gears had enough energy stored to last another century at least, anyway.

"Does the article say anything about the Pokemon who destroyed the Time Stamp?" I asked, started to get a little interested. 

"It says there were no footprints, and no witnesses, nothing to go off of." Jay answered

There was a silence everybody understood.

I went to grab my choice scarf and magic radio, sighing. It is way too early for this. I thought. Jay did some stretches and grabbed a map of the region. 

"Okay, so the Time Stamp is kind of like, yknow, on top of Mt. Vestruvius. We're gonna need some extra sustenance, this will be a three day trip at least." Jay explained, drawing a course on the map using some chalk.

Zena grabbed Jay and her's magic radios (they were small chips that would hook onto one's ears), tossed one to Jay, and equipped hers. 

"Aww yeah! Last time I went to the Time Stamp, I wasn't even fully evolved!" Zena said, trying to hide her excitement and failing miserably.

"Mike and I will go get stuff out of Kangaskhan storage, Jay, you secure the place." Zena instructed.

Jay nodded and I followed Zena out the door. Something in the back of my mind told me I should of taken a look around the house when Austin was around. There was certainly something...

Out of place.

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