Chapter 11: Plus One

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note: god im sorry for the short chapter but its like 1 am

Zena's POV 

"I. Just. Met. My. Idol." I couldn't beleive it. I met the great Raikou. He actually spoke to me. He complimented me. Oh my Arceus.  This can't be real. 

"Somebody pinch me." 

Mike cleared his throat. "Uh, thats all fine and dandy that you met your idol, but didn't he say he would grant us mega evolution? That's kind of a bigger deal than you exchanging like five words with Raikou."

"OH!" I exclaimed, and turned to look at Matt. "Who art thou? State your business here!" I said.

"Well, Miss Medeival, I came to investigate the Meloetta deal like you guys were. But it seems you guys have...dealt with that." He looked awkward now, scratching the back of his head. 

"You could come with us, if you like." LoveGame spoke up. Everybody whipped around to stare at him, (Mike glared, actually.).

"Well, uh, sure. Maybe I'll get my own Mega Evolution. Wouldn't that be hella?" Matt responded. I noticed he had a bag. 

"Hey, Matt, what's in the bag?" I queried. He looked nervous for a moment, and then replied "Oh. Y'know, I was makin a delivery to a shop in Soltice City, it's just revival herbs, mental herbs, some oran and aspear berries, the usual. Hahaha...." He quickly changed the subject.

"So we're meant to be headed to the Forest of Life right? Where is that? Nowhere int he east, I'm sure."

"Oh yeah. It's near our team's base actually, in Andhoris. We can travel to Leaf Green Town, rest there, then head to the Forest of Life after we rest." Jay informed. "You can't fly, though... we'll have to go by foot. Unless someone can carry you. Not it!" Mike and I said 'not it' at the same time immediately after Jay, so that left LoveGame. 

"Well, shit. Hop on, friend! The name's LoveGame, by the way. Or you can call me Nathan."

"Nice to meet you all." The Sceptile said with a charming voice, and he climbed onto LoveGame's back with ease. We took off following Jay. We learned a bit about Matt as we traveled. He grew up in Vanaheim with both parents and a whole lot of friends. He got a job as a delivery boy when he was young, but he also trained in his past time. He was a known battler in Vanaheim, but he didn't like to stay in one place long, so he continued his job as a delivery boy, since he got to travel long distances. When he had heard about the incident with the Time Stamp, he took some time off of his job to investigate. He got the same idea as us to visit Palkia's Fortress, and thats when he met him. He has great accuracy apparently and likes to do stunts (he jumped off of LoveGame's back and onto mine like, three times. It kind of tickled.) After an hour or two of flight, LoveGame pointed out that the sun was higher than it was back in Vanaheim. Time zone changes, he said. We had just reached the coast of south Andhoris when Matt questioned if we were tired. My wings were kind of numb, so I didn't really feel anything. Jay said he could go on until we reached Leaf Green Town. Mike only whispered "Flight cannot kill a dragon" while staring ahead, which we kinda stared at him for. LoveGame said Mantines could fly for days at a time if they wanted, so he would be fine.

Another forty-five minutes passed of us chatting about whatever, and pretty soon we had landed on the pier of Leaf Green Town. Well, Jay and LoveGame landed, Mike and I sort of collapsed. We trudged back to our house (I put out some temporary beds for Matt and LoveGame) and I was asleep almost instantly, not even bothering to say good night. 

I couldn't believe I was even able to sleep after I had met my idol.

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