Chapter 10: Godspeed

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Zena's POV

Mike gradually grew onto LoveGame in the few short hours he had joined our team. We didn't tour Post Town long, so we continued our journey to Palkia's Fortress. Mike was just as baffled as Jay and I were when he saw that LoveGame could fly. Jay had told us we had wasted a whole lot of time with the whole ocean incident, so we flew as fast as we could to the fortress. LoveGame and Jay chatted about some probably boring stuff as we flew. Jay estimated it would be a 2 hour trip if we flew fast enough. The sun was setting as we sped over the plains and marshes of Vanaheim, it was Mike who first pointed out we had crossed into the east side. Andhoris was full of forests and mountains, Vanaheim was mostly plains, marshes, and deserts. 

The two hours passed in a blur, before we knew it we were standing in front of a massive stone fortress. The two doors were emblazoned with a coat of arms, and everything about the building looked faded. The place practically radiated significance. The short grass leading up to the fortress grew darker as we approached., and LoveGame was the first to speak.

"Yo, I'm sure you guys already know, but there's totally a trap somewhere here." He said with his usual nonchalant tone.

"Figured as much." Jay responded, looking around suspiciously. We heard footsteps behind us, and we all turned around. There stood Meloetta, with a smirk on her face.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the breakfast bunch." she cooed. "Fancy meeting you here; now if you don't mind, I have duties to attend to. Step back."

"Why are you doing this Meloetta? What is your goal?" Jay asked angrily.

"Fulfilling my duties. Unlike those two magikarps-holding-everstones, couldn't do the simplest tasks." She shook her head, then said "I'm here to take Palkia's Pearl and leave. Out of my way!" She charged at us, but LoveGame had already hit her with an Air Slash. Clearly she didn't expect his razor-claw sharp reflexes, so it took her a few seconds to recover. We all pummeled her with different attacks, dealing mounds of damage. But I glanced away for a second too long to let Meloetta use Relic Song. Oh fuck, I thought. However, someone had apparently used Lucky Chant, because another Pokemon sprang out of nowhere and swiped Meloetta in the face with a Leaf Blade before she could transform into an ass-kicking ballet dancer. Meloetta was disoriented, and the Pokemon- a Sceptile- nodded at us and said "The name's Matt, pleasure meeting you guys.". Meloetta looked absolutely murderous when she recovered. She opened he rmouth to spit something extremely cliche probably, but was interrupted by a deafening roar. The ground seemed to shake. A fierce wind blew past us as a yellow streak came bounding in, with thunder rumbling with each bound it made. It was followed by a blue Pokemon that seemed to radiate pureness, and a red Pokemon that left flames in its trail. When they had finally stopped in front of Meloetta, I realized who they were. Wh-no way-HOW?! Raikou, Suicune, and Entei. Standing in front of me. Am I dreaming? I wonder if I can get an autograph from Raikou? I was only able to stand and gawk. Raikou then bellowed, "Meloetta! What are you doing? I can see in your soul, it has been contaminated by darkness. What has happpened?" Oh my Arceus, the rumors of Raikou being able to see into one's soul is true. Suicune then spoke up.

"Raikou, there are others here." She turned to us, and boy, if looks could kill, we'd have dropped dead then and there. I glanced over to LoveGame, Mike and Jay, but they only stared back, wide eyed. Matt seemed just as confused, and shrugged. I summoned all my courage and said, "I'm Zena, leader of Team GameChasers. We're here investigating the crimes Meloetta has been comitting. She told us she was going to steal Palkia's Pearl, and it was then we started sparring." 

That was all I could muster to say, my voice seemed to die. Entei then spoke, "Your souls are pure. I beleive you." He then turned to Meloetta. "You will cease these crimes immediately!" He said with such fierceness that the grass around his paws burned to ash. I looked at Meloetta for the first time since the Legendary Dogs appeared, and she looked frightened out of her skin. She only nodded, and just like that, she disappeared from thin air. The three dogs looked at eachother and nodded. Suicune and Entei departed, but Raikou stayed and walked up to me. I was pretty sure my bones turned into jelly.

"You have showed bravery beyond any Pokemon I have ever seen, Zena. For someone so young, you hold much responsibility and courage. For showing such righteousness, I will give you advice. To the West of here, in Andhoris, lies a forest. The forest is named the Forest of Life. I will grant you the power of Jirachi's eye, and I want you to find the Tree of Life, I am sure you have heard of it. Once you reach it, it would be in your favor to ask Xerneas to grant you and your comrades the power of Mega Evolution." He paused. "There is a force that threatens to put the world in peril, Zena. Only those pure of heart can save it." He bent closer and touched his forehead to mine, and there was a blinding light. When it dissipated, I felt like I was floating. "The light will guide you to the Tree of Life. Farewell, Zena." He nodded to Jay, Mike, and LoveGame, then took off.

Everybody stood still for what felt like an hour. I was the first to speak.

"Is this real?"

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