Chapter 16: There and Back Again

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note: im sorry brokeback mountain was the first thing that popped into my head.

Jay's POV

        Man, talk about being let down. I mean the crown is awesome, and I've got a magical aura basically, but LoveGame was stuck as a normal Mantine, everything just felt like crap. I could tell Zena felt the same way, normally she'd be showing off and end up crashing and/or embarrassing herself.  Now, we just flew back to Leaf Green Town in tense silence. Mike seemed unfazed at the fact LoveGame wasn't chosen. Even with the whole Mesprit thing, he still wasn't showing any emotion. It was a short journey, we transformed back into our normal selves once we landed. It was dark now, the whole town shined like sunlight on broken glass. Once we arrived at Casa De Gamechasers, Zena went to talk to LoveGame. I didn't eavesdrop, since I'm not Mike, but it looked like some sort of consoling. A sudden tiredness overcame me, and i dropped my bag by the door and jumped into bed. Zena could take care of LoveGame and Matt's beds. I wonder how long they'd be staying? Was Matt a permanent member of Team Gamechasers now that he had gained Mega Evolution with us? I'd ask about that in the morning, I decided. The last thought I had before drifting off was why I had a sense of foreboding.


      The next morning I woke to Zena playing one of her vinyl CDs on player thing. The one with the trombone-looking speaker. She somehow had gotten some of her favorite songs on it. She was lying by it with her back to the wall and her eyes closed, I wondered if she was asleep. I decided to get out of bed and checked he mail. She didn't stir, so I assumed she was sleeping. The air was cold but dry; it was Fall already. The Lavender Festival will be coming soon. The Lavender Festival happens every Fall, and it was a time to celebrate those who had passed. Ghost type Pokemon loved to come to the west to take part in the events. As I opened the mailbox, loads of letters fell out into a small pile at my feet. Were we really gone that long? Or maybe more people need help. Either way, as I picked up the pile, I noticed a silver envelope with a wax seal on it. I've never even seen a wax seal before. There was a really fancy M on it, so I figured it must be relatively important. When I walked back in, everybody was seated around Zena's music player trombone thing, staring at it. This was a really weird sight. LoveGame motioned me over and I sat with them, the pile of letters still in hand. Nobody spoke, so I decided to open the silver letter. Pink letters were written across the page, it looked rushed.

Dear Gamechasers,

It is me, Meloetta. I know I have caused you a great deal of trouble, however I am in dire need of help and I am afraid I am only able to turn to you. I must keep this message short. The reason I was inconveniencing you so much was because it was not of my own will. Please meet me at the entrance of Brokeback Mountain, where we shall discuss this further. I know you have no reason to trust me, but please have a little faith. The fate of Araydia depends on it. And, yes, that does sound cliche, but it is the truth.



Well, shit. I nudged LoveGame and handed him the letter, which he then nudged Mike and did the same. When everybody read the letter, I asked them whether or not we should go.

"Man, I'm so sick of traveling." Mike started. "Brokeback Mountain is all the way in Vanaheim, you know. Like, the far side of Vanaheim. We literally JUST got back from there, I don't feel like flying all the way there again. Plus, how do we know this isn't one of Meloetta's schemes? She's probably gonna murder us there or something. Set up an ambush. Throw us in a pit of lava. Stab us in the heart. Drown us. Who knows what she's got up her sleeve." He rambled.

"Okay okay, we get it, jeez. But if this is one of her schemes, we could plan two steps ahead and stop her once and for all. She obviously won't stop wreaking havoc until we do, and pretty soon she's gonna do something catastrophic." LoveGame countered. 

"I think we should go." Matt said. Zena looked reluctant, but she doesn't make decisions on her own. The team's decisions matter as well.

"Alright, fine." She conceded. Suddenly I remembered something.

"So, Matt and LoveGame, do you guys plan to become official members of the team?" I inquired.

"Well, it's certainly been fun. I'd like to become an official member, if you guys would let me." LoveGame answered. For sure we'd add him as an official member, he's been such a great addition.

"Eh, I don't know. I don't think Rescue Team life would suit me, y'know? But I might. I already got Mega Evolution with you guys, and we all want to stop Meloetta, so...I don't know. I'll think about it."

"We'd totally add both of you guys as official members if you wanted. Just tell us when you've made your decision, Matt. As for you, LoveGame, I'll add you to the list right now." She stood up and went outside. We all followed her. There was a bronze plaque that Rescue Teams carved in the team members' names on. "Are you sure about this, LoveGame? If you change your mind it's gonna be a bitch trying to erase it off the plaque." LoveGame snickered and nodded. "Alrighty then." She pulled out a dagger from Arceus-knows-where and carved LoveGame on it.  When she finished carving the 'e', everybody cheered and high-fived LoveGame.

Even though he didn't have Mega Evolution, he would still be part of Team Gamechasers.

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