Chapter 20: God Tier

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Mike's POV

        Normally I'd be scared out of my guts, but I was only feeling excitement. I don't know why, I couldn't see anything to look forward to. I told Zena this, but she just told me that my priorities were jacked up. I suppose she was right. The freezing air didn't even bother me, I was too busy wondering about what lies ahead. We'd been following these tracks for ages now, the snow had faded into short, sharp-edged grass, but Clandestine's steps were still clearly visible. Why was she putting so much pressure into her steps? She must've been running really fast. After a while of flying across the dirt and short grass that lead to the south, a black mist started to simmer out of the paw prints. I felt like I should be unnerved, but it only fueled my excitement. Demetrius was still racing ahead of us, but not so far away that we couldn't see him. It was then that Matt spoke up.

"Do you guys hear that? It sounds a bit like chanting," He said. I listened closer, and I did hear some sort of speech. I couldn't make out any words, though.

"Yeah, I hear it. Can't understand it, though." I replied. "I think we should walk the rest of the way." I suggested. They all agreed, and Demetrius seemed to hear us, because we were all grouped up on the ground once again and walked the rest of the way. Clandestine's form appeared not long after we had walked, and there was an enormous crater in the ground. The shadows surrounding it seemed to pull in, as if they were scared of something. Surrounding the crater was an orange branch looking object, a very large diamond, and a red chain. A thick black mist was rising out of the crater as well. She was chanting something while holding a book in what I could recognize as Latin. We ducked behind a large boulder.

"Latin's only used for dark magic..." Zena murmured. Wait, why are we just standing around? I was about to suggest ambushing her when a streak of yellow, blue, and red tore through our vision, with a fierce wind billowing in their wake. Unexpectedly, it was Raikou, Suicune, and Entei. I glanced over to Zena who looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack, and I would've thought so if it wasn't for that wide grin on her face. Man, she really looked up to Raikou. Raikou gave a mighty roar, assumingly to get Clandestine's attention, but she was already looking at the trio with fear written all across her face. It was replaced with satisfaction quickly, though.

"You won't stop it!" She cried. "Giratina will rise and reset the world! Make it what it once was! Remove all the bad in the world, make it perfect! Perfect!" She looked like a maniac. No, she was a maniac. Raising Giratina? Who would even...

"You've not the right! Giratina is a god, and one such as yourself has no power to raise him. He won't even listen to any of your orders!" Suicune countered. It looked like her eyes were ablaze. Clandestine opened her mouth to reply, but it was cut off by a...sound. I can't describe it...I couldn't even tell if it was a sound or a feeling. It was sort of high-pitched going to deep-pitch, slowly. Everything seemed to darken. It felt like gravity was pulling on me on all sides. The crater seemed to sink into the ground. My mind wasn't functionally properly. Everything was stilling. I couldn't turn my head to look at Jay or Zena or anything. A form rose slowly out of the crater-now a hole- and it seemed to drip black goop onto the ground. It was in the form of a large serpent with large claws coming out of its sides. It's eyes were a neon red. It opened its mouth and let out an ear splitting screech. I forced my arms to move and cover my ears, but it barely helped. The sound stopped. I realized my eyes had closed. I reopened them to see something make my adrenaline go on hyper mode.Giratina's eyes had changed from neon red to a gross shade of green. It's mouth was still open, but its eyes didn't seem to be focusing on anything in particular. My ears picked up on Clandestine's voice. She was chanting in Latin again. As if things couldn't get any worse. She yelled,

"Giratina! You will follow my every word!" She shouted. Giratina seemed to acknowledge her and looked in her direction. Clandestine seemed unfazed, even though giratina was at least 19 feet taller than her. "Your first command..." She turned to face the three dogs. "Smite them." 

Giratina seemed to hesitate for a split second, then sucked in a huge breath. Raikou, Suicune, and Entei turned to flee. The air stilled, and it seemed to take a purplish tint. A wind blew across the area and they all fell. Well, Raikou more or less face-planted. But they were not moving. Another one bites the dust, I thought. Someone sucked in a harsh breath beside me, probably Zena. Then she sniffled. I looked to her and considered patting her shoulder, but that'd only make it worse. Her face hardened and she launched into the air and tackled Clandestine into the ground. Clandestine let out an extremely feminine yelp and fell to the ground. A Flamethrower was breathed right into her face. Ouch, Zena must be pissed. Zena pulled out a dagger from somewhere beneath her wing and held it at Clandestine's throat.

"Release Giratina from this mind control or I'll slit your throat here and now." she said with a venom in her voice that I'd never heard before. She seemed serious too. I ran up to try and calm her down, and everyone else followed.

"Zena, you can't! That's murder!" LoveGame advised, concern written all across his face.

"Please don't do this Zena..." Jay pleaded. Zena looked up at him, and withdrew her dagger. She looked embarrassed. Clandestine took this as an opening and yelled,

"GIRATINA! RESET THE WORLD! MAKE IT AS IT ONCE WAS! REMOVE THE DARKNESS FROM EVERY BEING'S HEART, AND MAKE ARAYDIA A LAND OF PEACE!" Giratina responded almost instantly with a roar instead of a screech, and the air rippled like a pebble dropped into water. Then, Zena did something insane. She put one foot forward, raised her left wrist and shouted "ACTIVATE!" And she mega evolved. She looked expectantly at all four of us. I followed her actions and mega evolved, power coursing through my veins. Jay and Matt did the same. We launched into the air-'we' including Matt riding on LoveGame's back- and flew towards Giratina's massive head. 

"Giratina! Snap out of it!" I yelled, not expecting him to acknowledge me. He, or it, didn't. Another ripple was sent through the air and it pushed all of us back for a moment. But we still continued to try and get Giratina out of his mind-cage. We attacked and used orbs and tried yelling at it some more, but to no avail. Just when all hope was lost, two great portals opened up in the sky. One a sparkling blue, the other a pearly pink. But that wasn't all, the clouds in the sky split in two, and a green serpent made its way down to the ground with us. Even Giratina could only stare in awe.

Well, this escalated quickly.

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