Chapter 14: The Messiah Has Returned!

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Mike's POV

As we walked, Matt seemed to lighten up. Zena was humming music the whole time (occasionally slipping in words), and some of them got stuck in my head. 'The sky could be blue, I don't mind, without you it's a waste of time' kept replaying in my mind. I think is from one of her favorite bands. Something-play. But whatever. We traveled across a short stretch of plains until we reached the Forest of Life. The place radiated magic, it felt as if the whole biome itself was moving. It's hard to explain, but it sort of made you dizzy if you looked at it. Not too dizzy, though. Zena led the way into the maze of trees. It was a really easy dungeon, not many fully-evolved hostiles, but it was long. Really long. Like, the longest dungeon we've been through was 99 floors, called the Buried Relic. This one had like, 72 or something. No wonder nobody ever comes here. 

As we progressed through the forest, I got a sense of foreboding. Something bad is gonna happen for sure. We rested about 2/3 of the way through. I didn't tell them about what I felt, because I didn't want anyone to get discouraged again. We were sat in a circle exchanging berries from the item bag, the background noise of the forest humming all around us. I noticed, though, that everybody looked tense. Nobody was speaking, either. Perhaps they feel foreboding as well? Everybody was looking down except me. I felt a bit sick now. If they all felt it, then surely something horrible is going to pop out at us. We should be wary. Matt decided we should get going, the sun was setting. How he could even see through all these trees was a mystery. Maybe it was a grass-type Pokemon thing. About an hour and a half later, we reached a large clearing. The grass here was lighter on the inside, and got darker toward the outer edges. Pink and white flowers covered the outer edges and they seemed to sparkle. Also sparkling, was a great tree at the other end of the clearing. It was rather large and had a large X carved on it. I looked over at Zena who was grinning like she had been granted Mega Evolution. Oh, wait. Hm. Anyway, something came to me.

"How the hell did nobody find this tree? It's so obvious this is the Tree of Life."

"That's because they couldn't defeat me." voice spoke out of nowhere. A fury of leaves was flung at us from above, but our instincts kicked in and we dodged them all- barely. Smoke blocked our vision, but it cleared quickly to reveal some green deer-looking Pokemon with horns that stuck out from the side and curled at the ends. I almost giggled, it looked like the Pokemon was wearing boots. I've never seen this Pokemon before.

"Who're you?" I asked hesitantly. 

"I am Virizion, guardian of the Tree of Life. Leave this place, or suffer my wrath- and memory loss." She said- demanded, really. Well, that explained how nobody ever actually found Xerneas' tree. But was it true nobody could defeat her? 

"Don't you have a posse or something? Terashion and Cobalion or something, right?" LoveGame spoke up, not minding the fact that he was speaking to an almost-deity. Virizion took a step forward.

"Silence! You will leave this place now. Or do you wish to challenge me?" She took battle position. "If so, come at me with all you've got." She charged at us before we could respond. More specifically, she charged at LoveGame, who got sent flying into a tree. He recovered quickly, and there was a hard glint in his eyes. "Ohoho, it's on." And that's how it was 5 versus 1, in a magical forest, against an almost-deity in front of a real deity, who was in hibernation. LoveGame had a huge advantage, since he resisted all of Virizion's attacks and had an advantage due to his own water/flying typing. None of my moves really had an effect on her, but I kept attacking anyway. Zena and Jay used their combined attack several times, which proved very effective, but she wouldn't stay down. Matt served as a distraction, sending several Leaf Storms Virizion's way so everyone could attack when she wasnt looking. However, she soon adapted to our tactic, and was blocking all of our attacks. I don't even know how thats possible, being hit with five different attacks in five different directions. Maybe I shouldn't underestimate almost-deities. More than once she put up Reflect screens, which was really annoying, because my attacks were weak enough and I didn't need a physical-attack wall weakening them more. Of course everyone else didn't mind the Reflect since they all had special attacks. Maybe I should learn Draco Meteor. 

The battling went on for ages, and soon it started to grow boring. All she did was block our attacks, barely ever retaliating. Is her plan to stall us out until we're tired? Stall battlers are considered low-class Pokemon, surely Virizion has some honor. Eventually I just sat back and rested. Nobody seemed to notice. The team was starting to slow down, though. I began to wonder whether or not Virizion had infinite stamina or something. Both of her defenses must be high to be able to withstand both physical and special attacks non-stop. Maybe it's an illusion and we're wasting our time. Maybe she has infinite power, granted by Xerneas. Perhaps this is a test of our prowess by Xerneas. Maybe Raikou sent us here for no reason. I was almost dozing off when a blinding light shone from somewhere- the Tree of Life?- and i stood up and covered my eyes. I tried opening them, but the light burned them. Can light even burn your eyes? The fighting stopped instantly and they all covered their eyes.

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