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Angela Monique Patterson P.O.V

"Cj what do you wanna watch huh?" I asked cj as I held him in my arms.He just looked up at me smiling and giggling.

"So loud house it is". I sat up more on my bed getting comfortable.

My phone dinged and I reached over to my nightstand to get it. I had a text from my boss.

Tracey☺️: Hey ang do you think you can come in tmr and take pictures of Taylor hil?

Me: I can come in no problem what time?

Tracey☺️: Well her plane lands at 8 so be @ the studio around 8:15

Me: Okay sounds great

I locked my phone putting it back on the nightstand. I looked over at cj to see him sleeping. I slowly started to drift off and before I knew it I was out like a light.

I woke up to a crying cj. Checking the time it was 11:04. I picked him up and brought him with me in the kitchen as I bounced him quietly up and down to calm him down as I waited for his bottle to warm up. Once it was done I tested it on my hand.

It was too hot so I put it in the freezer for a bit before giving it to him. He immediately stopped crying and I took a paper towel to wipe his face.

I bounced him up and down shushing him. I went out onto my balcony and started singing a song to him. I didn't know any lullabies so I just song Bruno Mars.

"Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now. Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same. When our friends talk about you all it does is just tear me me down. Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name.

It all just sound like ouuu ouuu ouuuuu ouuu-"
"You have a beautiful voice". Someone on the balcony next to me said causing me to jump in my chair.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said coming closer so his face was in the light.

"It's fine and thank you Chris". I emphasized his name.

"Angela is that you?" He asked

"Yes it is and when did you move here?" I asked him.

"Around last month. I've never seen anybody enter or leave your apartment when did you move here?"

"Almost a year ago but I've been staying at my moms lately".

A loud sound of a phone went off in his apartment.

"Oh coo coo I'll see you around Angela and you should probably get that baby inside". He said walking into his house.

I looked down and seen cj still sleeping I completely forgot I was still holding him. I went back inside closing and locking my balcony door.

I took cj back to my room. I laid him gently on my bed and placed pillows around him so he wouldn't fall. I went to my bathroom and sat on the toilet pooping.

While using the bathroom I unlocked my phone and opened up to Facebook. It's so much drama on here and my life is boring so that's why I love this app. I was watching a video of Jess hilarious when my Twitter started to blow up.

I turned off my ringer and ignored it. After about two minutes it still wouldn't stop so I clicked on Twitter. Angela Hill has mentioned me in a tweet.

AngelaHill: Can't wait to land so @angelapatterson can take my pictures for this Victoria secret jungle wear😍😩😌

Everybody was liking it,commenting, and even retweeting. Kylie even commented and said she was thinking about letting me take pictures of stormi.

"Ahhhhh yesss". I screamed loudly from excitement.

"Shit". I covered my mouth quickly realizing cj was in the next room and asleep.

I sat my phone on the back of the toilet seat as I wiped myself. I then flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Before walking out the bathroom I wiped my phone down with baby wipes and then turning off the lights.

My phone began to vibrate in my hand. I looked down to see my sister calling. I quickly answered the phone.

"Hey I'm like five minutes away could you get him ready?" She spoke through the phone.

"Sure I'll get him ready now see you when you get here".

"Thanks sis". She hung up the phone

I turned my ringer back on before grabbing his coat from off my dresser. I put his coat and hat on and sat him down in his car seat. I made sure everything was in his baby bag and then covered him with his blanket. Just as I was making my way to the kitchen to grab his baby bottles the door bell rang.

"Coming". I yelled.

I looked through the peep hole before opening the door.

"Thanks so much Ang where is he?" My sister asked me.

"Uh he's in my room everything's packed I just have to grab his bottles and stuff from the kitchen". I told her going to the kitchen.

When I came out the kitchen she was sitting on the couch looking at the pictures all on the wall.

"Here's the bottles and stuff". I put them in his bag before plopping down on the couch.

"She was really beautiful sis. Magnolia was a beautiful soul." She whispered.

I could tell she was getting emotional and about to cry. So I went over to her and hugged her.

"I know sis I miss her a whole lot". I smiled fighting back the tears.

"I need to be strong for you". She said wiping her tears and then sitting up.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" She ask me.

"I should be free after about 3 or so". I told her.

"Good because we're going to have a girls day out. You, me, and cousin Josephine."

"Oh god she is a hot mess". I chuckled thinking about the last time I seen her.

Last time I was with her we were having a nice lunch at friendly's until the waitress we got was rude. I wanted to leave but Josephine wanted to stay. So she asked for a new waitress and the waitress got a attitude next thing I know Josephine was dragging that waitress through the floor and it took about ten people to break it up because Josephine wouldn't let go. Then on the way back to my house she was ranting in Spanish and I couldn't understand anything she was saying.

"I know but she's so fun. But I gotta go love you". She kissed my cheek grabbing cj and walking towards the door.

"Love you too see you later". I opened the front door for her and shutting it and locking it behind her.

Tomorrow should be interesting.

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