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Angela Monica Patterson P.O.V

"Woah I'm dizzy after that ride". Royalty said as we stepped off of the stairs to the ride we were just on.

"Yeah I do feel a little woozy". I chuckled.

"Don't tell me you guys don't want to go zip lining?" Chris asked us.

"Ouu no daddy I do, I do." Royalty raised her hand jumping up and down.

"Then come on we have a long walk to get to the top". He grabbed me and royalty's hand.

Half way to the top we sat down on a bench because we were all tired.

"You know I never understood why they couldn't install like a escalator or something. This is literally like a two mile walk on a big hill". I ranted.

"Hey at least we'll have the best way down." Chris shrugged his shoulder.

We sat there for another five minutes before we continued our journey up the hill. There was an instructor at the top waiting for us.

He explained to us what we were doing and all the safety stuff. He helped each one of us put on our harness and checked it three times to make sure it was secure. He then attached us the this long rope and walked along this tree house obstacle thing. We quickly followed right behind me.

"Okay I'm going to go first so when u get to the bottom daddy can be right there waiting for you, or do you want Ang to wait for you?" Chris asked Royalty.

"Sorry daddy but today is about girl power. So miss angela". She giggled.

"Wow". Chris wiped away fake tears.

"Move it sucker, you heard her." I jokingly pushed Chris so I was in front.

"Okay see u guys on the flip side". I screamed as I bounced off the platform.

"Ahhhhhhh". I screamed as the wind viscously hit me in the face and the trees passed by me quickly.

Once I made it to the bottoms there were instructors there to help me take my stuff of.

"Oh my god, oh my god". I heard Royalty yelling as she kicked her feet in the air.

When she landed and got her harness off we high fived and then sat down on a bench with her in my lap.

"Did you like it?" I asked her.

"Yes it was sooo fun and kinda scary too". She responded.

"Uh oh her comes your dad". I told her as we heard him scream.

"Whew that was fun". Chris yelled as he landed on the platform.

After Chris had his harness taken off we walked around the park and got on a few more rides and played a few rounds of laser tag. We were now in the car on our way back home. My phone began to ring loudly in my back pocket.

I quickly pulled it out looking at my phone. It was from my sister.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you? There was this big riot and somehow it was in the grave yard and Magnolia's tombstone got ruined. The people called me because I guess you didn't answer but you need to get to the graveyard right now. It's a mess and I'm a mess because this is a children's grave yard and everything's destroyed." My sister sobbed on the phone.

"What? How did this happen? I'm on my way now give me twenty minutes I'm coming from fun junction with Chris and his daughter." I told my sister.

"Okay I'll be here waiting. You'll need to bring you ID and stuff because there willing to replace it they just need proof your the one who paid for it and what not". She sniffled.

"Okay see you when I get there". I hung up the phone.

"Everything okay?" Chris asked.

"No can you drop me off at the grave yard on Kennedy? My daughters tombstone got ruined in some stupid riot". My eyes began to water.

"Daughter? Wow I'm sorry for your loss." He gave me an apologetic look.

"Thanks". I leaned my head on the window.

Ten minutes later we were in front of the graveyard. I quickly hopped out the car.

"Thanks for everything. Bye miss royalty I'll see you soon and  Chris I'll call you later or something".

"Your welcome Angela, call me if you need anything". He waved as he pulled off.

I quickly walked up the path and into the small building. A lot of people were outside mourning their loved ones and their destroyed tombstones.

"Ashanti?" I asked as I walked into the main office.

"Oh thank god your here". She got up to hug me.

I sat in the chair next to her in front of the desk with a man behind it.

"Angela Patterson? The mother on Magnolia Smith?" The guy asked me.

"Yes". I pulled out my daughters death certificate and my ID.

He looked over my papers and typed some things into the computer.

"I'm so sorry this has happened. We will pay for most of the damages and your insurance will cover the rest". He told me.

"Okay, can I see what her tombstone looks like as of right now?" I asked him.

"Of course follow me." He got up walking out of the office.

I grabbed Ashanti's hand as we followed him through the grave yard. I great big tree hung over her grave.

"This is it". He said sadly as he stepped to the side so we could see.

Her beautiful face that was once on the tombstone broken in half. Food had been thrown all over it and her bears and flowers had been trampled on.

"Oh-oh my god. My baby". I kneeled down and touched her tombstone. I began to break down as I wiped the food off her tombstone and picked her bears and flowers back up.

Ashanti hugged me and kissed my head rocking me back and fourth. My vision began to get blurry as I began to scream in agony. My baby was gone and their was nothing I could do to bring her back.

I stayed there for what seemed like hours crying in Ashanti's arms.

"Sis come on it's getting late." Ashanti pulled me up and wiped my face.

We walked to her car and I got in leaning my head against the cold window. We drove to my apartment complex in complete silence. Tears streamed down my face as I silently cried as I thought about my beautiful daughter being taken from me at such a young age.

"Need me to stay the night?" Ashanti asked me once we pulled up in front of my apartment building.

"No I'll be fine. Thanks sis, love you".

"Love you too". She yelled as I was walking inside.

I took the stairs up to my apartment. I quickly unlocked my door and I broke down once I got inside and closed it.

"Ahhhhh god why?" I screamed.

I began to punch my door over and over again. I was so angry that god took my baby away from me. I was the best mother ever. I gave my baby everything she was my best friend.

I laid on the couch and sobbed even harder.

I heard a knock on the front door. I ignored the knock and began to sob harder. I closed my eyes and balled up my fist and I cried. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me.

I opened my eyes frightfully to see Chris wrapping his arm around me. I leaned into his chest as he stroked my hair and shushed me rocking me back and forth.

"Where's Royalty?" I asked after I had calmed myself down.

"My moms house". He responded.

"Oh well thank you". I snuggled into him more.

"No problem".

I turned up the tv and watched friends until I drifted off to sleep.

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