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Angela Monica Patterson P.O.V

"Wait, wait, wait. So this girl came in the party calling you a bitch?" Josephine questioned as we walked into Hollister.

"Girl yes. The third time she said it I had to get up and walk away. Yeah I'm living good and lavish but I never forgot where I came from." I looked at the racks of sweatshirts hanging up.

"And what you said this bitch name was again?Karate?" Ashanti questioned.

"Girl Karruche". I rolled my eyes.

"Wait she's light skin and short?" Josephine asked me.

"Yeah, why you know her?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Girl remember back in high school when I had fought that girl at the park because she found out I was messing with Darrien even thought they were broken up. That was the girl. And the other day I was in Royalty's and she came in here hooting and hollering. I should have beat her ass again." Josephine scoffed.

"So did Chris ever tell you why they broke up?" Ashanti tried on a pair of sunglasses.

"We're just good friends so I don't expect him to. Clearly she fucked up if she's so bitter". I picked up a pair of skinny jeans holding them up to me.

I put them over my arm deciding to keep them. I kept searching the rack for a cute pair of ripped ones.

"Yeah I hate females like that. She didn't even know the situation but she was calling you out your name. Even if you were feeding him food you guys are just friends. If she's his ex she has no right to be tripping like that". Ashanti grabbed a crop top.

"She's really something else. I hope she learns how to hold herself together better". I grabbed a pair of light blue distress jeans.

"Anyways you should invite Chris to our Paris get a way." Ashanti nudged me as we got in the line.

"I'll think about it. I know the first few days are for the girls and then you guys are bringing your lovers. I don't have anybody special so he could be an option."

"Nobody special huh?" I heard a voice say behind me snaking their arms around my waist.

I jumped quickly turning around. I took a sigh of relief seeing Chris.

"Hey! You scared me what are you doing here?"I asked him.

"My mom's birthday is today so I came to get her a little gift. I was walking by and I saw you so I came to say wassup".

"Are you guys doing anything for her? I wanna grab her something and drop it off later today after the photo shoot I have to do today."

"We're throwing her a surprise party. My aunt has her out all day and she's going to bring her back home later today around 6. So try and make it to the house before then. You remember where it is right?" He helped me put my jeans on the counter.

"Yeah I'll see you later then?" I swiped my card and grabbing my bags from the cashier.

"Yeah". We hugged quickly as we pulled away he quickly pecked me on my lips and then on my forehead.

"You ladies enjoy your day". He waved at Josephine and Ashanti before walking out.

"Girl he sure looks like somebody special to me". Ashanti teased me.


After doing the photo shoot I rushed home to take a quick shower. I got Chris mom some nice dresses from tj max , gift cards to a few restaurants and a card. I did a double take in my full body mirror before grabbing the gift bag.

I checked my phone letting out a sigh of relief seeing it was only 5:02. I locked my front door jogging down the stairs out the door and into my car.

A few minutes later I parked around the corner from Chris mom's house so she wouldn't know at all even when pulling up. A lot of cars were on the same street as me so I figured everybody else who was there did the same.

I got out grabbing the gift bag making sure I had everything. I locked the door walking the short two minutes to the house. I pulled out my phone and went to Chris contact calling him.

"Hello?" He picked up after a few rings.

"Hey I'm a few houses down. I parked around the corner so I'm walking. Do you want me to come in through the front or??"

"The gate is unlocked so come in through the back. I'll be on the deck waiting for you. Did you bring your camera by any chance? I know it's last minute but I can pay you. What's your price?

"I have my camera with me and no charge. I'll make sure to capture her face as soon and she walks in and everything. Being a photographer isn't my job it's my passion Chris. I actually enjoy doing it." I opened the gate.

"You have to let me pay you."

"I'm right behind you". I walked up the deck.

"Oh". He hung up laughing putting his phone his front pocket.

"Anywayss like I was saying no charge."

"Whatever". He rolled his eyes.

He put his hands on my waist pulling me in for a hug that I gladly excepted.

"I don't know if this is weird but I missed the smell of you". He said with his head in my neck.

"I missed the smell of you too but I missed your lips even more". I giggled.

"Oh that was smooth". He pulled back pecking my lips.

"Come on let's hurry inside before we miss the big surprise". I pulled Chris in through the back door.

"Angela!" Royalty ran up to me in excitement.

"Ro Ro I missed you so much. How's school going?" I asked her as I took a squat to her level.

"Actually really good I made a lot of new friends and this one boy Mathew is really nice to me. He sits next to me in class and he always has a pencil for me!"

"Hey you better not be talking to no boys in school!" Chris shouted jokingly.

"Hush up Chris. Is he cute?" I asked her wiggling my eyebrows.

She shook her head yes with a wide grin on her face.

"Alright places everyone she's down the street!" Chris shouted.

The house full of guest quickly hid in the kitchen or behind furniture. I pulled out my camera as I sat up behind the couch so I could capture the moment.

The doorknob turned and quickly opened. As soon as Chris mother stepped in we all shouted surprise. Her face was priceless. I made sure to get as many photos as I could.

After hugging most of her guests the music soon turned on and she made her way towards Chris and I.

"Now did you do this son?" She questioned him.

"Maybe? But only because you've been working so hard and deserved a fun night".

"Good think I dressed up this morning I need everyone here to know that 53 has never looked better!" She snapped her fingers sashaying off to do the Cupid shuffle.

"She is something else". Chris chuckled shaking his head.

If Only He Knewحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن