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Christopher Maurice Brown P.O.V

Ang:I'm coming now

I put my blunt out in the ashtray. I got up out of my bed to check on Royalty. I slipped on my slides going to the door. I came to the door just as Angela started to knock.

"Come in". I opened the door smiling.

"Why thank you Christopher. Your house is really nice". She sat on the couch.

"Thank you. Is that for me?"

"Yeah and I put some on Royalty on there too". She handed me the plate.

"So how was your day?" I asked her.

"It was um pretty normal. Went to a cookout and then later in the day I ran into your mom and royalty while I was getting my eyebrows done. How was yours?"

"Well I was at work today. I came home to Royalty giving me gifts and what not".

"She seems like a really sweet girl".

"She is and she seems to like you very much. It's hard being a single dad to a girl especially. I can't teach her how to be a woman. I don't even want to think about a period".

"Well if we're still neighbors I wouldn't mind spending Girl time and explaining stuff to her."

"Thank you it's been really hard since her mother passed away. I'm trying to be the best dad I can be. Anyways you wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked her.

She checked her phone looking at the time.

"Yeah sure. Netflix?"

"Yeah wanna watch Nappily Ever After?" I asked.

She kicked off her slides sitting cris cross applesauce on my couch. I pressed play on the movie as I dug into my plate.

"Oh my god could you imagine if I had a break down like that and cut off all my hair?" Angela bursted our laughing.

"Yeah you got a little peanut head so please don't".

She straight faced me before bursting out laughing with me.

Halfway into the movie I seen Angela rubbing her arms.

"You cold ang?"

"Yeah." She looked up at me tucking her hair behind her ear.

I got up going to my hallway closet grabbing a blanket. I came back and plopped down next to her spreading it out on both of us.

"Thank you". She smiled putting her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her as we watched the movie. Soon the credits began to roll as I heard light snores from Angela. Checking the cable box it was 12:35.

"Ang". I shook her.

"Hmm?" She grumbled.

"Come on I'll take you home".

"Uh un". She snuggled up closer to me.

I picked her up carrying her to my bedroom. I tucked her in. Before walking out and going to lay down on the couch. As soon as my head hit the cushion I went to sleep.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Royalty jumped on me waking me up.

I sat up rubbing my eyes checking my phone. It was 9:02 am.

"Hey pumpkin". I smiled sitting her on my lap.

"Morning sleepyhead". Angela semi yelled from the kitchen.

I picked up Royalty and carried her into the kitchen. I sat her on the island stool in front of her iPad.

"Morning. What you cooking?" I leaned back on the counter.

"Pancakes, eggs, grits, and sausage. Royalty be a dear and get me three plates and three cups please".

"Okay". Royalty smiled going to the cupboards standing on her stool. She placed them by the chairs on the island before sitting.

"Sit down". Angela fixed our plates.

"Thank you". I smiled sitting down.

"It's the least I could do. I was so beat last night".

"Yeah you were out like forty minutes into the movie".

"Miss Angela May I have some more oj?" Royalty smiled.

"Of course". She went into the fridge grabbing the orange juice pouring some into royalty's cup.

"So you guys have any plan on this lovely Sunday morning?" She asked us.

"Well Im going go to my sisters so Royalty could get her hair done. After that I was planning on coming back here and chilling".

"Hmm well I don't have anything to today and I really wanted to do something exciting. Chris I don't mean to interfere with your plans, but what if after Royalty's hair appointment instead of coming here we go to fun junction?"

"What is that?" I asked.

"Daddy it's that new place that just opened up. It got zip lining, go cart racing, obstacle courses, mini golf and allat". Royalty jumped up and down.

"Calm down Royalty. Hmm I guess I don't have anything better to do". I shrugged my shoulders sipping my orange juice.

Two hours later

"Thanks Cam". I handed my sister 50 dollars.

"Your welcome bro. It came out sooo cute. Ro Ro come here and let ti ti take a picture." Cam yelled.

"Coming!" Royalty put down her toys running over to us.

"Coming!" Royalty put down her toys running over to us

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"You look beautiful Royalty". I smiled picking her up kissing her cheek.

"Thank you daddy". She giggle as I put her in her booster seat.

I got in the drivers seat buckling my seat belt. I turned on the radio before backing out of the driveway. I pulled up to our apartment complex within ten minutes. We hopped out the car walking towards the entrance. Getting in the elevator and pressing 3. Stepping out of the elevator and unlocking the door I let Royalty go in first.

"I'm going to go shower and then we can leave". I told Royalty.

"Okay daddy". She sat on the couch playing on her ipad.

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