Chapter 2: Into The Town

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     "I'm going out for a while," I told Arthur.

     "Ok. Hurry back," he replied as if I didn't already know that I had hardly any freedom. I knew I only got short breaks.

     I quickly walked out of the castle. I ran for about fifteen minutes until I reached a flat area near a close by village. This is the only place I was able to meet up with my best friend. Her name was Elizabeth. We had met only a few months ago and became very close, but we weren't allowed to see one another. Our kingdoms never got along and always had conflict.

     We both pulled the hoods of our cloaks on over our heads. Me and Elizabeth walked into the town and into shops to get the items we needed for the plan. We got two blankets, two new cloaks, some food, a few books, and some spare clothes. Elizabeth got a black skirt and a white top. I got a black crop top with a white skull in the center and a pair of shorts. We kept the shoes that we had previously owned though.

     When we finished, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I ran along a dirt path on my way back to my castle or should I say prison. I threw what I had purchased behind a rose bush. I can't bring it inside or Arthur will be suspicious. Then I will never have any freedom.

     I quickly ran inside. "Hey (Y/N)," my brother greeted as I walked inside. "You're late. Where were you?"

     "Out," I responded.

     "Oooohhh. (Y/N) has a boyfriend! (Y/N) has a boyfriend! (Y/N) has a boyfriend!" he teased.

     "W-What? No I don't!" I yelled in defense.

     "So your a lesbian?"

     "What?!?!" I turned quickly and looked at Arthur. (Not being homophobic but in this story (Y/N) only likes boys)

     I walk into the kitchen and get a frying pan. I walk back to where Arthur is and hit him hard with it in the head.

     I walked up to my room smiling remembering the plan that I was going to complete tonight.



Ok so I just want to be 1000000% clear. I wasn't being homophobic and don't want to offend anyone who is part of lgbtq+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus) and I want to make it clear. This is a safe place so no hate on anyone like that or I will block you plain and simple.

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