Chapter 17: The End

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Slowly open my eyes and see white. I can instantly tell that it's fabric, and it smells really good.

Instead of getting up i just move closer, because that seems to happen in all fanfics.

"Good morning," i heard an all to familiar voice say as he yawned.

"Good morning," i groaned.

"Hungry?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Want me to cook you something?"

I shook my head quickly. "No!"

"Well then. Want Ban to?"

I nodded.

"Damn you sure do love me, don't you?" He laughed.

I laughed as well.

After about five minutes Meliodas left to change and i changed in his room. Then, i walked downstairs to Ban and Meliodas. Meliodas was already eating and Ban was making coffee.

I sat down beside Meliodas and grabbed a cup of coffee and a plate of food. As the three of us ate our breakfast King, Elizabeth, Hawk, and Gowther joined us.

I have no clue where Merlin was, but Diane was outside. Diane was hunting actually. She always likes to find her own food.

Gowther didn't eat. Instead he just read a book. Elizabeth and Hawk did eat though. King was still half asleep on cheistifol.

Once we finished King was wide awake and did the dishes while others just sat around being lazy.

"Hey (Y/N)," Meliodas said getting my attention. I looked over to him.


"Come with me," Meliodas instructed.

With that said he stood up and walked away. I quickly followed him. We walked into the woods for a few minutes before coming to a stop beside a small pond.

Meliodas sat on the grass and patted beside of him. I sat down to his left and looked at the small pool of water.

" (Y/N)," he said. I faced him again and looked into his emerald green eyes. He softly took my hands in his. "I didn't ask you last night..... but will you be my girlfriend...?"

I nodded with a large smile on my face. He wrapped his arms around me and gently kissed me.

I think I've finally found my soulmate.

You are my sin {Meliodas x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now