8. Hallow Hearts Are Filled

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Authors note: Ugh…school is a drag. Not that hard yet but I'm sure it's going to get their. The reviews for the last chapter were pretty good and very encouraging. This chapter is pretty short but give me some slack! The last chapter was so long, I need a break. I hope you still enjoy this though.

"Trick or treat!" their little greedy mouths screamed as I swung our front door open. I saw a demon in the front, picky his nose while a princess towards the back was busy straightening her crown. A ghost and a person dressed up as a cartoon character finished off the bunch, along with a few parents observing me from the sidewalk.

I smiled down at the children, each giving them a generous amount of the candy. I enjoyed being the "giver" on Halloween. It was the only day of the year children weren't scared of me. That's because I could easily stick a pointy hat on my head and instantly become a witch. My black hair and pale skin only did me justice on this day.

As they all yelled their "thank you's", I happily watched them as they tripped off my porch on this October 31st.

"We sure are getting a lot of trick-or-treaters this year," John remarked as I entered the living room. He was busy watching the Baltimore Ravens kick the Seahawks butts. I sighed, hating Baltimore with a passion. Football had become a closet pastime of mine.

"Yeah, they're coming by the hundreds," I replied, glancing at my near empty bowl of candy, "Do you know where mom put the refills?"

"Oliver's room," John replied before his eyes enlarged as did my own. I immediately bolted for the stairs, praying to God that Oliver hadn't devoured all of the goodies yet.

"Oliver!" I screamed, seeing his chocolate covered face as I entered the slum of a room.

"What?!" He screamed back, a videogame controller in his hand while he stuffed his mouth with toffee.

Snatching the several bags from his grubby hand, I moaned loudly. I decided to kick some of the dirty clothes scattered all through his room before loudly slamming the door behind me. It was just at that moment that the doorbell rang with new costume wearing children to bless.

I skipped down the hallway, feeling the most comfortable I had been in several weeks. School couldn't get in my way tonight. This was my holiday for feast, fun, and fright. Grabbing my horribly frightening "hag" mask, I unlatched the door and gave out a loud witch-like shriek.

I smiled instantly, hearing several yelps from scared kiddos. Some were hugging their laughing parents while others were jumping up and down, a sugar rush obviously on the move.

"Hey you guys, do you all want some candy?" I inquired, pulling off the disguise to reveal my somewhat prettier face. They all nodded eagerly as they held up their baskets. After dispersing the treats, I slowly waved goodbye as I began to shut the door.

"Wait, you've got one more!" I heard someone plead from the outside before I could close the door. I gasped, quickly opening the entry again.

"I'm so sorry," I said in an unusually girly voice, "I didn't see you."

This girl had to be the cutest trick-or-treater yet. Her dark black hair cut off just at her shoulders while her uneven bangs hung in her light brown face. She was wearing a Batman costume, without the mask. I glanced lovingly at her utility belt, before quickly grabbing for my bowl of candy.

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