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Suga looks at them, the two out of breath and blushing.

"Did you two—?" He is cut off by laughter between Namjoon and Jin.

Jin rests his mouth on Joons cheek. Yoongi swallows.

"Are you two... dating or-?" Jin smiles and looks at Namjoon.

"I hope so." Namjoon says. "Yes,we are." Jin says without warning.

Jin turns and pulls Namjoon in for a kiss as to prove his point but everyone knows it's just to show his love for Namjoon.

A couple seconds later they pull away.

Yoongi nods. "Okay okay I get it you don't have to make out to prove it.. god" Suga laughs before walking out to his boyfriend.


"Jiminie~!" Jimin turns to find himself pushes against the wall carefully.

"Hello Suga.." Jimin whispers. Kissing Yoongis cheek slightly.

Yoongi blushes. "Ehm.. do you want to go play a board game with Hoseok and Taehyung?"

Jimin shrugs. "Okay~!" The two walk off, holding hands.

Suddenly, Jimins phone buzzes. Namjoon is calling. Jimin sighs, before answering.

"Jimin! Jin wants you to clean your room. He said it's dirty."

"Why's he in my room in the first pla-?"

"Don't ask. Just go clean it before mom gets mad."


"Uhm bye."

Jimin hangs up, slightly chuckling at how Jin shouted.

He walks back to his room, Yoongi following close behind. They walk in to find Jin and Namjoon kissing on their bed.

"Fuck." Namjoon says, removing himself off of Jin and wiping his lips.

Jimins face turns into pure shock. "Were you two about to have sex on my bed?"

Jin shakes his head quickly. "No. We would probably have boners I mean we were just kissing hold your horses." Namjoon smiles, moving forward and kissing Jins neck, leaving a hickey.

AN: I hope everyone likes this story. If there's anything that you'd like to suggest, or you don't like just comment it here please. ^_^

Love You Always🍭|| NamjinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora