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It was early in the morning, when management called Namjoon and Jin down to the BigHit building.

Namjoon and Jin looked at each other, confused and in a groggy state as it was so early.

The whole time they chattered about why they might have been called there and the fangirls were pulled away when they got inside the building, and any remaining paparazzi had been escorted away.

This must have been very important, or they would've been able to at least take a picture of someone in the building, but curtains were draped down and everything.

The two boys walk nervously to the meeting room, fate awaiting them.

They finally arrived at the big door which they dreaded at that exact moment, and Bang PD opened it to reveal it was only him and the other three people.

Their manager Sejin smiles and pulls out two chairs for the boys to sit in, which they do.

Bang PD clears his throat.

"So.. we heard about your,'Relationship.'," Namjoon and Jin gulp, looking at each other, worried about what they'll do.

", is this true?" Bang PD holds out a picture of the two boys hand in hand.

It was from when Jin was pulling Namjoon away from the fangirls and then he fainted.

Namjoon coughs. "I-Uh.. well.. y-yeah But.."

The other manager, Hyunsoo, raises his hand, "you guys are no longer allowed to sit near each other in interviews or dance next to each other in videos. Also,"

"No more of.. 'this.'" The manager makes a disgusted face and gestures towards Namjoon and Jin which are holding hands nervously.

The two nod, and Namjoon looks like he's about to cry.

All Jin wants to do is hold him tightly in his embrace, and tell him everything's okay but the managers prevent him from doing just that.

1 hour later of yelling, Joonie starts crying which makes the managers stop.

They didn't stop out of pity, at least not before the managers started throwing hands and Bang PD yelled,"ENOUGH!"

"Fucking crybaby. He's a 20 year old man and he's crying."

Bang Pd mimicked. Something along the lines of,"frIcKinG DuMbAss. A 50 yeAr oLd mAn anD HES mAkIng FuN of A 20 yEaR oLd."

After that the two boys walked out, their head hung low.

It was horrible on the walk home.

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